Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Didn't Do List

I really don't like using the weekends to do housework or errands since that is the only time that I can spend with Ten. During the week, even when he finishes at the office, he often has to come home and do night conference calls and send out fun.

However, today I think I set an all time record of things that I didn't get done. I was just so tired that I literally slept until it was time to make dinner...hahaha.

Here are my non-accomplishments:

1. Laundry: I neither washed it nor folded it. Thank you Ten for taking care of the first part, and thank you cardboard box (that I was supposed to throw out) for storing the unfolded laundry.

2. Dishes: There is a small mountain of them growing in the sink.

3. Groceries: Usually I make a complete meal plan for the week accompanied by a grocery list. I did each partially, so we'll see if we run out of food before the week ends.

4. Bills: I didn't pay them nor organize them.

I also didn't straighten up or make the bed today...sigh...but it will all be waiting for me to do tomorrow, so no rush : )

1 comment:

  1. I never thought I would see a list like this from you . I think I like it. You are normal!!
