Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Look what I made...

Today I headed over to the Tokyo Union Church for my obi covered picture frame making class....and here is my finished product...with the wheel of my bike and cell phone in the background....

We used the fabric of an obi (sash worn with kimono) and built the frame with a frame making kit. It took about an hour and a half to make it, but it was pretty fun. Also, it turned out a lot better than I thought it would.

I told the teacher that I liked pink and blue, and was totally disturbed when she pulled out all of these shocking pink and electrifying blue fabrics...yuck....so I dug around and found this one...The teacher said that she was surprised that I chose it since it is a more traditional pattern...Tradition beats ugly any day....hahaha... and when the light hits the gold...it is really pretty.

Anywho, I am looking forward to heading over to Asakusabashi to pick up more fabric and kits to make these as gifts...hint, hint to anyone who may want one....just leave me a message and I will see what I can do.... :)

The teacher also teaches doll making classes, and I absolutely fell in love with the ones that I saw in her catalogue....am so going to try to resist temptation and maybe take that course next time since I still have a wrapping course to start and finish....so tempting though....so, so tempting though.


  1. oh let me be the first request. That is cute. Glad you went afterall.

  2. Nice!!
    Looking forward to getting one from you some time soon, hint hint!!
    Let's go shopping together to find some cloth that I might like!!
