Monday, September 12, 2011

Misconceptions About Housewives

After I quit my job and started working as a homemaker, I've gotten so many strange questions and comments. Here are a few of my favorites....and my responses.

Q1:. Don't you get bored being at home all day?

Absolutely not. I have tons of stuff that I get to do. I now have more time to work on my Sports Nutrition Certification (that I am almost close to finishing....yay me). I am also taking an online course at the moment and recently joined a women's group. I would say that when I do have free time, I don't get bored.

Q2: Housewives just sit at home and watch TV all day.

Well yes and no....I think I have the TV on for a total of maybe 4 hours a day....Three when I'm home alone and about an hour with Ten at night. However, I usually only have the TV on when doing things like cooking and want background noise....any other is right now.

Q3: Don't you miss your job?

A: At first, yes. But now, definitely not. I find taking care of our apartment and taking care of myself and husband to be a much more important and rewarding job.

Q4: Your life must be great not having to work and doing whatever you like.

A: Hahahaha...I laugh at this comment...If you call cleaning drains and toilets, scrubbing walls, and doing endless loads of laundry doing whatever you like....then your reality may be different from mine.

Q5: Don't you wish you had your own money?

A: Nothing has changed in the money department. One I still have "my own money." Two: Ten and I always, always, always consult each other on purchases. Also, we are completely on the same page that any money that either one of us for both of our needs.


I've come to understand that the idea of a housewife has greatly changed from years ago. I think it's sad that women who choose to stay home and take care of the household are sometimes looked at negatively. However, I'm so happy that we did have the Women's Rights Movement so that everyone can choose what she wants to do. : )


  1. Hey there!!
    I so know what you mean about the misconceptions!! Looking back at my Mother's and Aunt's life, they had so much to do and they kept themselves busy all the time with one thing or another.
    I know you enjoyed working outside, but that isn't the only way to live life and you've found an alternative.
    I'm happy to know you are happy and in a way, I'm a little jealous.
    I hope I can experience what you are experiencing now someday, but for the time being, I'm still enjoying my lifestyle now so no complaints on my part!! LOL!!

  2. When you get married, you will need a gigantic apartment to put all of your stuff in...hahaha...wouldn't want to have to clean that.

  3. Diddo...
    I would really have to change my lifestyle to accommodate my "husband's"...
    Throw away most of my stuff...
    Very difficult!!
