Monday, September 5, 2011

Nine Years and Not a Bad Word to Say

There seemed to be a common theme to all of my conversations today (and to even some blog posts that I've read), and I must say that I can't quite wrap my mind around it. I have heard soooo many people complain about their husbands/wives or boyfriends/girlfriends. Not just small complaints like..."I can't believe he never washes the dishes," but huge things like "I hate that (insert expletive here) worthless (expletive)....well you get the point...

I try to listen, but I just keep thinking...then why are you with them. Also, I'm surprised that they have such low respect for their partners that they would say these things publicly. I could never imagine.. in a million years... saying these things about Ten. 

Now, I'm not saying that we don't argue because we do...everyone does, but I feel so extremely thankful and happy that we are married and enjoy all of the moments that we spend together.

Here are a few highlights of our last nine years together:

In our late teens on a trip to Chicago, U.S.A

Four years ago in Bali, Indonesia...pre-marriage holiday

2 years ago in Beijing, China...The Great Wall

Last fall in Hawaii, U.S.A.

This past summer at The Globe in London, England

I'm so grateful that I get to spend everyday with my best friend.


  1. I have to say that I love reading your daily blog! I can't tell you how much I agree with your blog today. I get so tired of hearing people complain about their significant others who are supposed to be their "rock", their best friend, and the person they share their dreams with. WHY OH WHY do they stay with them? Why do they share all of these negative things about them but probably don't actually talk to that person about it?! Drives me insane!

  2. Aww...thank you Jessica!! I don't get it either...but maybe then again we both got stuck with two pretty great guys, so we are extremely blessed. :)

  3. Found ya! Love your page! Will do my best to keep up with your blog too. Hope I can keep mine up too...

  4. Hey Kaputanchan!! Yeah...your blog is looking kind of sad recently, but I found a great place that we can go to see flowers and blog about :P

  5. Congratulations! That's one of the best accomplishments you could have!

    I too am not fond of it when people complain about their partners. I know how horrible I'd feel if my husband was talking about me on the web, I wouldn't want him to feel that way.

  6. Hi Medea! I very much agree. I'm glad there are some like-minded people out there...hopefully we will see and hear more positive things in the future.
