Sunday, October 16, 2011

Entering the 21st Century

Today Ten and I headed over to Musashi-Koyama to look around the shopping arcade there. It's only about a 25 minute walk from our apartment, so we thought we would just head on over for an hour or so.

I loved this place. There are tons of great shops including a small foreign supermarket and lots of stationary stores....and this made me laugh....

Is the colonel dressed in drag? Why yes, yes he is.

But the big news of the day was the unexpected purchase that we made....and here it is....

Yes my friends, Ten and I have finally entered the world of smart phones. It was about time. Since he leaves for Hong Kong in a couple of weeks, I wanted to be able to talk to him while he is here was our solution. I'm much more excited about my phone that I thought possible....hahahaha. The truth is I have absolutely no idea how to use it, so will be playing around with it for the next few days. Also, while my phone number is still the email address is not. So, to all of my friends, I will be contacting you shortly..... :)

1 comment:

  1. So the colonel is all set for Halloween, I see...
    Also, glad to see u r excited about your new smart phone!!
    Yes, welcome to the 21st century!! Lol!!
