Sunday, December 11, 2011

16 Weeks

Yay, the three of us have made it to the 16th week and have started our regular prenatal checkups. Here is a rundown of how things are going.

Hospital Visit
Each hospital visit goes something like this:
  • Check-in at the front desk. I give them my medical card, insurance card, and coupon for partial reimbursement (love these).
  • Urine collection. I head to the bathroom and get to fill up a cup...well not fill it up...though Ten said that I should try to fill it to the brim....umm...I didn't...FYI.
  • Blood Pressure and Weight: Ten and I head to the machines where we measure these ourselves. They spit out a little piece of paper with the numbers on them, and we give them to the midwife not having to check my weight with a nurse watching...hahaha.
Finally, we see the doctor. This always includes an ultrasound...which is never boring...along with whatever tests are scheduled for that time period...overall, pretty easy.

Baby this Week (between 15-16 weeks)
  • Baby is resting pretty high up there, so when they were using the Doppler to find the heartbeat, they couldn't find anything...oops ...they were looking a lot too low...and too far left...hahaha...but the position is really good and baby is fully attached.
  • We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, and it was clocking in at 150 bpm.
  • Baby measures at 10.5 cm from head to waist.
Everything is as should be at this stage. Here is our most recent pic....

It was a abdominal not the best image....but if you stare at it like a MagicEye poster long enough...then you may be able to make out a baby....hahaha


All of my tests have come back fine as well. The doctor mentioned that I've gained a little bit more weight than they would like, but it isn't all that bad. Considering I haven't been able to exercise...I would wonder why they are surprised...hahaha. However, I did get a free ticket for a prenatal yoga class which I may test out.


Ten has been doing a great job!! He will be/is such a great dad. Here is what he has been up to:

  • Ten was a superstar at our doctor's appointment. He had a whole list of really good questions. He asked, translated, and explained everything. 
  • He took the time to read through almost all of the hospital info...and we have tons...and it keeps building with every visit.
  • He filled out our date/appointment card. This card lists all the dates that correspond to the weeks and tests. A little bit tiresome to fill out...and hard to here is a photo....

  • Let's see...he also started a spreadsheet with all of the baby stuff that we have to buy...we aren't buying anything now...but just so we will be ready when the time comes.
  • Finally, he has been looking at the most ridiculously priced strollers, cribs, toys, etc. Why? Because his baby shall have the best stuff....I am hoping that this will wear off though because a lot of it is so unnecessary...hahaha....but it definitely shows how much he cares.
So, that is the rundown, and the last little piece is that we have made our birth appointment at Aiiku Hospital. It seems like their philosophy is similar to what we believe, so it is a great match!


  1. Great blog. I would really love to hear about your family in the midwest. You have a younger sister? I bet she is adorable!!!!!

  2. Glad to see everything is coming along smoothly.
    Now Ten's shopping... And he says we're bad!!
    Yoga sounds good though!

  3. Glad to see everything is coming along smoothly.
    Now Ten's shopping... And he says we're bad!!
    Yoga sounds good though!

  4. I want a picture of the bump! Then I can make my best sex guess, but given the preliminary information my money is on a girl :) You're doing really well and hopefully Ten gets over his need for the most expensive instead of the most practical soon.
