Monday, December 5, 2011

Online Christmas Shopping

I have been a terrible gift giver for every Christmas since starting university, and I say I because no blame should fall on Ten...hahaha. I have sent out the random Christmas card and random birthday gift, but there has definitely been a lack of consistency. I'd like to blame this on my crazy, busy schedule during university (2 majors, 4 jobs, roommates/boyfriend, and a ton of social/school activities) and then work after graduation. I used to work like a bazillion hours a day and then spend the rest of the time at the gym. Holidays and gifts were the last thing on my mind.

Well now that I have a nephew and the time to actually do things properly, I have finally taken the time to get gifts for my family members this Christmas. Also, the Internet has made shopping so much easier!!

Now, I refused to get things like gift cards and certificates because of how impersonal they are. Instead I have scoured the web for things that I believe each individual will like. I tried to make them more personal and useful. I wish I could list all of the amazing sites here, but then that would give it away. 

However, some great sites that I've found are, (links to all kinds of amazing websites), and (gifts for the nephew...I mean not like those have to be special ordered...hahaha).

Anyway, we have one more family member to do shopping for, and we are hoping very much that everything arrives on time and in one piece!!....please let it all arrive....please.

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