Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Have-tos and Want-tos

I was listening to the radio the other day, and a program came on about organization. It said there are two types of things that we are required to do in life, and they can be divided in to "have-tos" and "want-tos." There are things that we have to do in order to get to the things that we want to do. It is a really simple and logical explanation.

As I was washing dishes, I was thinking about how I need to manage my have-tos better to get to the want-tos. So, I was mentally making a list of my have-tos and want-tos. I soon realized that I had about a million have-tos and only a tiny amount of want-tos. In fact, I had turned a good amount of my want-tos into have-tos. This is a really sad thing in my opinion. How have I turned fun things into obligations?

I mean sometimes I feel like I have to finish the book that I'm reading. I have to watch these movies that I've gotten. I have to go to this or that event. I have to upload these pictures or make this photo album. All of these things I should be enjoying doing....but instead I feel like I have to! How did I do this? I think that I have become so obsessed with getting things done that I have forgotten how to actually enjoy the things that I am doing.

So, now I have decided that I am going to try to keep my want-tos as want-tos and try to turn more of my have-tos into want-tos.

I am going to enjoy my time reading books and watching movies. I will enjoy going out and visiting with people. I am going to look forward to organizing and preparing for a new baby. I will also try to enjoy the time I spend planning menus and cooking meals. I will put on a smile when I clean and do laundry because it will make a less stressful environment for us. The list continues. 

As I have been practicing keeping these thoughts in mind I have found that my days are less stressful. I actually get more accomplished, and I am overall happier. So, I am going to continue to work on eliminating have-to from my vocabulary.


  1. Want-tos and Have-tos... I think I have so many of each... but like you said, it's all up to me to change them and make them into Want-tos!! Let's try this out so we can have a funner life with less stress, eh?!

  2. I like this idea!!! I am going to try it also

  3. I like this idea also. And I'm happy you posted this.

    I think last year for me personally that I felt so many have-to's especially with me being in the yochien PTA and Noah's graduation and all the work that entailed. I felt overwhelemed by all the meetings etc sometimes, not all the times granted, but yeah sometimes I did.

    This year, I also want to focus on my want to's. Thanks for the reminder.

    Excellent post. : )

  4. Hey Gina.

    Yes, you definitely seem really busy yourself. Thanks for the encouraging words about the blog post...and good luck to you for enjoying your "want-tos."
