Sunday, March 11, 2012

Another one of these...

I really hate to do so many of these posts where I just bullet point everything and throw it together, but here goes another one. There are just too many things going on to make it into one cohesive post....and I'm too lazy to blog every day. it goes:

  • Biggest News of the Week: We are going to be having another little nephew or niece welcomed into the family at the end of this year. This is really exciting!! I can't wait to go home to visit in December so that we can all get together!!
  • Biggest Stress at the Moment: This is nothing to be extremely stressed about, but this year I have to buy gifts for 3 of my cousins' baby showers along with the above mentioned nephew or niece. Plus our nephew's birthday is next month. Yikes this is a lot of gifts, but I know everyone else is in the same situation. I really don't mind it, but it is a lot to we haven't bought anything for our baby yet...hahaha!!
  • We came up on the one year anniversary of the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster here in Japan. A lot of people have shared this video, but I will here again. It is well worth watching.
So many people were affected by the tsunami in one way or the other. In Tokyo we were so lucky, but it definitely wasn't the easiest of times.

  • Also, I attended a meeting with the Tokyo Pregnancy Group to learn about some baby related things. Really nice ladies, and I highly recommend this group to those having babies in the Tokyo area!! There is also no pressure to join every meeting, so that is really nice.
  • Finally, we have started to go to our bi-weekly checkups for the baby and will soon go on our hospital tour. Getting very close to the time where we can start really counting down.
Anyway, I think that I will leave it at that for now. I really hope to start actually writing regular posts again soon! I just get so caught up in the mornings with Skype chats and then before your know it I have to rush around our apartment cleaning it up so I can start dinner before Ten gets home...yes, I need a time management intervention...this I know.

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