Sunday, April 1, 2012

Beginning of April Catch Up

Yes, I do realize that I am becoming an extremely lazy blogger. Oh well.

  • I finished reading my first e-book! I was curious how the Kindle App would work with my iPhone, so I bought "The Duggars:20 and Counting!" I was surprised that I actually really liked the whole e-book thing. I am terrified of getting a Kindle since I've seen so many dropped and destroyed on trains, buses, I put it on my phone. Worked just fine for me!! I will never by a paperback again when I can avoid it!!
  • So, yes I did buy a Duggars book. If you are not obsessed with the Duggars, then this probably isn't for you. However, I love them and their crazy ways, so I finished it in one  weekend...haha.
  • Ten and I went to the Mariners and A's opening game at Tokyo Dome a few days ago. We only made it to the middle of the sixth. Thinking I will blog more on that later in the week.
  • I have committed myself to blogging at least twice a week going forward because of aforementioned laziness!
  • We got a Bugaboo Bee Plus stroller last week, and I am absolutely in love with it. It was kind of more than we had wanted to spend, but it just seemed like the best out of all of our choices! Now, we just need a baby to put in it...though we have had a lot of fun pushing around stuffed animals ;-)
  • Yesterday, we went for a 5 mile walk since the weather was so nice. We also stopped at a yakitori stand on the way back home....Ten said he didn't want to order anything....and then decided to eat half of my stuff...typical.
  • I love the app MapMyWalk!! I have been mapping and tracking everywhere I go. I have this crazy idea that after the baby is born I'm going to try something different from the gym....running possibly? So, I'm using this app to help me stay in somewhat manageable shape until then. 
Anyway, in all honestly I have been super busy with household things and baby things over the past few weeks...and actually getting busier by the day...However, I do love not quite ready to call it quits.

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