Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Summer Reading - Part 1

I used to be or or am an avid reader. I'm not sure which sentence is the more correct one, but I have definitely gotten out of the habit of reading recently. It's really too bad, but with 40 minute nursing sessions currently completely taking over my life I've found that I have huge chunks of time where I am glued to the couch
and a sleepy baby. So with this in mind, I am giving myself a bit of a summer reading challenge. I plan on reading 30 books in the next three months. This is really an arbitrary number and considering I just read one book in two days it probably isn't much of a challenge. However a number will keep me on track.

So here are the first 15 books I plan on reading:

The Hunger Games Trilogy: Yes I know I'm a bit behind. I also didn't read Harry Potter or Twilight until after a while either....but I eventually got around to it. I've already finished the first in this series, and I am absolutely hooked.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The Life of Pi, Blindness, Trylle Trilogy, and Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children: I honestly don't know a whole lot about any of these books really; however, they were all recommended to me by Facebook friends. I figure since they took the time to give me some good ideas, then I will take the time to read them. Also, I like seeing and knowing what interests others, so I'm really looking forward to these.

Madame Bovary (have I read this already? maybe), Life on the Mississippi, Emma, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and Don Quixote: I will admit that these books aren't what you would consider to be light reading, but I love classics. These are usually the kind of books that I hope will never end. Also, the added bonus of them being free doesn't hurt either.

Anyway, so these are the first 15 books that I plan on reading this summer. And no, I'm not planning on doing any type of book review after I finish each one...but you never know. I also do have some ideas for the next 15 that I want to read too but I am definitely open to suggestions.

Any other books that are must reads?


  1. If you like stuff like twilight, you should read the hush hush saga and the house of night novels

    1. hmmm....exactly what my sister keeps telling me anonymous...so you either are my sister...or have the exact same reading tastes as her!! haha

  2. Wow!
    That's a lot! Tell me which ones were good!
    Now I'm back on my jpns book phase...
    Have fun reading!!

    1. I don't think it is actually all that much.....as long as you aren't reading the romance novels....anything has got to be better than those...haha

  3. I haven't read anything in a while either SADLY...if you find anything good, do post on here!

    1. Will do!! Also, if you hear of anything good...let me know!! Also, thanks for your comments on my last post too! All is well and I will have some baby pics up soon :)
