Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First Mini Shopping Trip

One of my favorite types of blog posts to read are those where people talk about the daily things that they shop for or use. I think it is one of the ultimate sneak peaks into a person's life....or the ultimate form of creepy stalker things to look at...however you want to word it.

Anyway, one of the things I have learned from our time in Japan and short stay in London is that you definitely start to miss the small things from your host country. Right now, we miss the awesome Greek yogurt and desserts from London. While we were in London, we pretty much missed every Japanese food/bath stuff/etc imaginable. Also, when we go to the US we load up on tons of stuff. We buy everything from toothpaste to small kitchen appliances.

So since we are heading back to the US this summer, I decided to plan ahead and stock up on some of the things that we might miss from Japan. I know that we will be able to find a lot of this stuff at Japanese grocery stores but I figure that it is cheaper to stock up first and will save a lot of hassle in the beginning. Also, you can't always find exactly what you want overseas... So, here was my first mini shopping trip today. It was pretty small since I really can't be away from home for long periods of time right now.

First, I bought four boxes of pudding. Ten always missed this stuff when we were in the US five years ago. So, I went ahead and bought four boxes....I think I might pick up a few more though!

Next, I bought tons of Furuche (I guess that is how you would spell it). Four boxes each of banana, peach, and strawberry. I was on the lookout for blueberry too, but I didn't have any luck. I think I'm really well stalked though....hahaha. You may be thinking that this is a lot for two people!! However, our living situation will be a little bit different. We will also have my sister and nephew with us, so I wanted to make sure that we had enough for four people for a good long time.

Finally, I bought 3 bags of powdered milk tea. I LOVE milk tea, so I bought these. I've never tried them before, but I'm confident they will be as good as the already made kind. Ten asked me if I could just add milk to black tea and get the same He just doesn't get it. So, I bought three bags, so I'm sure I will have plenty to share.  

Anyway, so really small shopping trip today, but I will definitely be doing a lot more over the next month! If anyone has any suggestions of what they would want to take back with them from Japan...I would love to hear suggestions!! 

1 comment:

  1. I think your nephew would absolutely love mushroom mountain!!!!
