Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mia is Two Months Old!!

Dear Mia,

You are now 2 months old...and quite the chunker might I add. Today you had your doctor's appointment and are now weighing in at 11 pounds. 

Over the past month you have grown so much. You now absolutely love sleeping in your bouncer. Complete turnaround from a month ago. Also, you have a favorite toy! A stuffed rocket try to talk to him all of the time on your play mat...It's too funny.

You are a pretty easy baby and there aren't that many things that you don't like...except for sleeping alone. You are much happier in bed with your mommy and daddy...and yes...we let you sleep're just too cute so we can't help it.

You are nowhere near sleeping through the night yet, but you make up for it with all of the toothless, drooly smiles that you give us in the mornings. You also love to hold hands which is just too precious.

They say that the days are long, but the years are short....and that is a lesson that you have taught us. We cherish every moment that we get to spend with you. 

Love, mommy and daddy