Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3 Months Old!!

Dear Mia,

You are now 3 months old, and this is the last month that you will be living in your hometown. We are packing up and moving to the U.S.

Over the past month, your little personality has been coming out more and more. You are very independent and love looking around at the world. You love to be sitting up right so you have a view of everything that is going on around you, and you are starting to explore your surroundings by chewing on everything in sight! Just yesterday you tried to attack a grapefruit that your daddy was he had to move away from you to finish it...hahaha. With that being said, you now weigh a bit over 14 pounds but are still only in the 5th percentile for height...a little porker.

You are getting a lot better about sleeping through the night. You go straight to bed after your bath and usually wake up around 2 am or so and then will sleep again until 6 or 7 when you decide to start your day.

You are usually all smiles, but you were having no part of the camera when I did these pictures. Your stork bite turns bright red when you get mad, but it's cute all the same.

Your all time favorite thing to do this past month has been to suck on your thumb, hand, or arm...whichever you can get into your mouth. We can hear loud sucks from your bed whenever you wake up so we know to come and get you.

We are so excited to be taking you to America this weekend where you will start your childhood after your baby days are over! We have so many fun things planned for you...but most of all we hope you are happy and healthy.

Love, Your Mom and Dad

1 comment:

  1. she is adorable!love the blog. keep it up. Mia is getting so big cant wait to see her
