Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Case of the Malevolent Purples

Yeah that's right, yesterday I woke up with a serious case of the malevolent purples. The blues didn't quite describe it and neither did the mean reds, so I had to come up with something of my own.

So, what are the malevolent purples? It's that feeling that you have when you wake up in the morning and want to punch someone in the face...or maybe you just want to smash something...but either way you get the idea. Ugh, so Ten's mom left after spending two days (but less than 24 hours) with us. It was a bit chaotic considering the fact that it was her first time to see Mia out of the NICU and we are in the thick of this whole move thing.

So, why did I have the malevolent purples or great need to injure someone...The apartment was a disaster!! I mean words cannot describe it. There is something like the Great Exodus going on in Tokyo right now, so for three days in a row we had people drop stuff off at our apartment that they were getting rid of before they said goodbye to Japan. A lot of this was things they didn't need for their kids anymore (so much appreciated) and others were things that would be going with us to NY for storage. So, walking space was limited. 

Also, with company over for the weekend...no cleaning got done, so we had piles of stuff everywhere....there was also no food in the apartment...and we are in the process of trying to get pre-approval for a mortgage (who knew you needed to go into debt to get a loan...not logical)...visa paperwork...surveying companies...and more....plus taking care of small human...so, yeah I was feeling violent.

So, what did I do.....

Keep Calm Union Jack - Keep Calm and Carry On

I literally had this phrase pop into my mind, and I'm lucky I did. So, I just started tearing through the apartment one room at a time. I actually got to throw away a few bags of stuff and put more baby clothes in boxes, etc....so I felt a lot better. The malevolent purples slowly slipped away which is great because if you let them they can stick around for a whole day and make everyone miserable.

Maleficent-Wallpaper-sleeping-beauty 1024 768
Hopefully I can get through the rest of this process without another case of the malevolent purples.

P.S. Pictures of Mia's visit to the shrine coming soon...and temple...but will wait until we go to both to post!


  1. Hang there girl! You can vent all you want on Sat when we go out for our "girls' day"♪

  2. im sorry but i was laughing because now i have a name for the mood i get sometmes...hahhaha
