Monday, July 30, 2012

Mondays with Mia

It has been a while since I could post one of these, but we have been so busy! Anyway, this past week we've had so much fun together.

Over the last week, we have been working very hard at tummy time...well kind of...Mia still isn't a huge fan. She would much rather be looking at what is going on around her.

We also got all dressed up to go look at houses...She didn't last long in this outfit...she got so messy...but it is really cute....thank you Emily and Dustin.

Mia is so in love with her daddy. His voice alone will perk her right up. I love this Totoro bib by the way...Thank you Kahori.

Also, the other night Mia was just cranky and tired, so Ten decided to give her a bath...result...sleeping baby...She was out for the rest of the night! Even when I put her diaper on...this was too funny not to share.

Anyway, I hope that all of you will have as much fun this coming week as we have been having!


  1. Sooooooooo cute!! Her pix are a real pick me up for me too so I'll be looking forward to more! Also, you know it's my pleasure to get Mia stuff!! I shall keep my eyes open for other Totoro and Jiji things for sure (^-^)/

  2. i am inlove with her in that ducky tutu outfit!!!! *alisha*
