Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4 Months Old!!

Dear Mia,

You are now 4 months old, and you have grown up so much!! I can officially say that you are an infant and have left the days of being a newborn behind you.

You are mastering all kinds of new skills. We are letting you play in your Bumbo to practice sitting up, and you love it! You are also starting to really grasp on to things and bring them up to your mouth to chew on which is really cute. I think you may be starting to get some little teeth in since you want to chew everything in sight. However, rolling? Still haven't gotten there yet...but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens any day now as much as you have been scooting and moving around.

Miss Mia, you may notice that this was typed quite a few days after your 4 month birthday but it is because we have been B.U.S.Y. You have moved from Tokyo to New York, and you have also had the chance to meet my side of the family when we visited Missouri. You now even have a little (big) cousin staying with us...and I can tell you will be the best of friends.

You are finally sleeping through the night!! I think this may be more exciting for your parents, but you sometimes like to wake us up around 4 a.m. for a little bit of a snack and snuggle before you go back to bed. You wake up anywhere from 6 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. usually and go to bed between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. You love your sleep.

Dear Chunky, we have let you chew on some strawberries here and there and tried to give you a little bit of baby sweet potato. You love to chew on fruit, but aren't big into baby food yet...so we may end up exclusively nursing you until you are six months old....which would make us so happy.

As you already know (by the giant smiles on your face all of the time), you are much loved. We can honestly say that every second that we spend with you is never regretted and we never wish we were doing anything else but that.

We are so lucky to be your parents.


You mom and dad

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated 4 months, Mia-chan!!
    Hope you are all doing well.
    How goes the house hunting?
    Howz your hair? Pix of u too, please!!
    I am doing good. Will update blog about it next week.
    Take care and will look forward to more pix!!
