Monday, September 17, 2012

Mia: 5 Months Old!

 Dear Mia,

You are five months old now, and we have been loving every minute of it. You are such a happy baby, and we get this comment wherever we go with you. People just love to smile at you, and you give them a smile right back. You melt hearts on the subways and in the parks in NYC.

This past month (actually yesterday), you had your first cold...and what did you do? You smiled right through it and got better in no time at all. We also started your first Japanese class (for babies of course). I wasn't too sure if we would join for the full session, but after seeing you there...we had no choice. You were smiling, laughing, and "talking" the whole time. You LOVED it...especially the dancing and also the books with funny noises.

You also enjoy playing with lots of your toys now. You will grab at things and hold and shake your rattles. Books are also a new favorite of yours. We have been reading lots of Dr. Seuss as well as lots of board books. 

Every month, you bring us lots of new laughs and giggles. The best moments though are when we are all snuggled up in bed together or going for an evening walk. You make everything we do just that more relaxing and rewarding.


Your mom and dad


  1. nana loves you so much.....

  2. seeing this made my day!! she is so cute and even though i have not had the pleasure of meeting her i luv her so much!!! and i'm dying over that bow it is too cute!!! luv u all!! *alisha*

  3. Mia, you are such a cutie pie! : )
