Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hi again....

Well after fighting with my phone for what feels like forever, I have come to accept that this will be a photo less blog until I get my Internet up and no 6 month Mia post right will probably see it sometime next month instead.

There has been so much going on I don't know where to start. Our apartment is slowly coming together. We just have to get our cracked headboard replaced, be moved up on the bicycle waiting list, get a TV, and hook up cable/Internet....sounds like a lot...but this list is much shorter than last month's.

To give you a quick rundown of what we have been up to...where to start...?

Okay, so we have finally decided that we will be living on the Upper West Side for the time being... and I have no major complaints. We are right by Riverside Park and a 10 minute walk to Central that is super nice.

One question that everyone asks is if I will work now that I am back in the U.S....and the answer is no...for as long as we can afford main job will be taking care of our family :) ...but I did get asked to be an assistant for a professor for the next month of so... so that will be the extent of my work for the moment...and it should only take a few hours  a week...not bad.

I have been reading like a maniac....I am in love with the New York Public Library because they seriously have every book you can imagine... so Facebook friends... sorry if you are bombarded with my updates from Good Reads...but I cannot help myself.

Mia has been doing all kinds of new things recently and folks she even rolled over...once...but hey she did it. On Mondays I take her to the library for Book Babies which is basically song and story time. On Thursday she goes to a music class which is just absolutely amazing...they let her bang and chew on all of the instruments...and I am very confident she will have an appreciation for music in just a few short years. Fridays we go to  a Japanese class...which she loves!...and finally we have swim lessons on we have already gotten comments that this sounds crazy for a six month old... but she really enjoys all of the activities... and you can never start some of these things too early really.

Finally we have definitely been discovering all things Japanese in Manhattan. We go to Sunrise Mart for our grocery needs...and you can pretty much by everything there....kind of. We have been to Kinokuniya near Time Square...and it also has everything!!!...but it is so different at the same time. Very clean and much quieter compared to the one in Shinjuku. We've also checked out Ippudo...but didn't eat there since it was not a ramen kind of day.

Anyway, that is a quick look at what we have been up to...I can't wait to get back to blogging regularly. Also, I am still reading blogs too but haven't had the chance to comment!! So, thanks everyone for continuing to stop by :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you have time to blog now!! Sounds like you two have a busy but set schedule. That is good!! Looking forward to some photos too ;-) Will do my best to post a blog too...
