Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Baby Minestrone

Yes, it has once again been a good long while since I've been on this blog here of mine....and I have no good excuses....hehe.

Anyway, so when Mia turned 6 months old, it was time to start solid foods. The doctor recommended rice cereal, followed by Level 1 foods...blah blah blah. I was a little bit disturbed by the fact that I was indeed recommended to feed my little baby all processed foods. I mean have you ever tried baby food? It is completely disgusting and rarely tastes like the food that it is named after...and why are the bananas pink?? If you have to turn it pink to preserve it...then no thank you...Rant finished.

So, here is one of our favorite baby food recipes for a 6 month old. (I'm assuming that from the above blurb...everyone can assume that we are making Mia's food...as we make our own. I am a housewife...so I do understand that I have the "luxury of time?" on my side.)

So, here it goes. Cut up some cabbage, onion, carrots, and potatoes (a couple of tablespoons of each) and add about 200 ml of water. Boil this lovely veggie mixture for about 10 minutes.

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the next step...but it's simple...remove vegetables from the liquid...reserve the cooking liquid since this is now a vegetable broth...how easy.

Next, you need to mash up the vegetables. I use a wooden mortar and pestle...no fancy baby bullet required. I also had a steamed piece of broccoli left over so I mashed this up to on its own to add with the other veggies.

Spoon some of the vegetable broth over your mashed vegetables..and you have a tasty soup...even tastes good as an adult I must say...though I would prefer it to be a little chunkier...haha. By the way...the white stuff is a rice porridge.

I guess I should add...be practical...you are feeding this to a baby...so of course this is NOT a soup served hot!

Does anyone else have any good baby food recipes??

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