Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mental Cleansing

Today is one of those days when I look at the bits and pieces of baby rice cakes on the floor and dishes in the sink...and I can wait. So, with all of the things that I should be doing I will instead use this time to share the random things that have been going on around here lately.

  • After a long time without caffeine...I am back to old habits. I now have a diet cherry Pepsi...EVERY day! I even throw in some coffee and tea into the mix as well. Even though I know this isn't healthy...I am definitely enjoying the needed boost.
  • I am looking forward to the month of December! There are so many great events going on in the city, and I hope to go to as many Christmas related things as possible!
  • Speaking of daily, less than healthy habits....can I add in a muffin or two a day. Yes, they are served in our building for breakfast! So, I've been making daily trips down...don't worry...still losing weight though :)
  • The other day I was thinking about New Year's Resolutions...and I realized I have absolutely nothing that I want to work on in this good? bad? sad? odd? I don't know...but maybe something will come up.
  • We have started deciding what activities Mia will be doing next year...and it already looks exhausting. Swimming, two Japanese lessons, and various play we will be starting this program that you do at home (you know language skills, music, etc). This may sound insane to some of you....but what do you cut? Please tell me if you know. Here is my logic....she is Japanese and needs as much exposure as possible. So, we can't cut those! Swimming is really for safety and so she won't be scared of the water...and have you ever met a Japanese kid that can't swim well? I didn't think so....and then the home program because we want to make sure we have focused quality time with her every day...and of course play groups for....well play....but any advice would be much appreciated.
  • We recently decided to forgo cable and instead get an antenna and anything else we need DVD wise can be checked out from the library (they have everything!)...this has been such a great, great idea. It saves money...quite a bit...and it prevents us from parking ourselves in front of the TV all day everyday flipping through channels.
  • I've decided that if I were a religious person, I would be Mormon...seriously those are some dedicated folks...and I think if you believe in something, then you should go all the way...hahaha...
  • On that note, we have decided not to take Mia to church. I would hate for her to have the idea that other religions are wrong...or that if you don't believe in a certain thing then you are somehow less than we will try to expose her to several belief systems to have a understanding of different faiths, people, and ideas.
  • Finally, my mother is coming to NYC in a few short weeks...should be a lot of fun :)
That is all for now folks.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea about religion!!! I'm doing the same with my son! (hard to find the "truth" in one religion.) I think you are doing great with Mia, she sounds like she has the world at her fingertips. the only thing I have for a resolution is budget better and be more active with my son!
