Friday, December 21, 2012

We will be making it to 2013

It is 9:00 a.m. here and breakfast is done. I've managed to clean 85% of the apartment, read some books to Miss Mia, fed her some mikan (I am more uncertain of what these are actually called in English now that we are back in the U.S.), and even read some of Sutton by J.R. Moehringer while I put baby girl down for her nap. So, I figured with this bit of free time I have, I would get a blog post in.

There has been a lot going on these past few weeks. Mia is now 8 months old (will post pics soon), my mom came to NYC for a visit and we visited Santa at Macy's Santaland, and just general life things. I would so love to type up posts about everything, but really...I just don't have the time/motivation.

I will admit dear the back of my mind...I have been thinking....maybe I should just give up on this little blog. It has been more than a year since I started I did give it a good go...but really I would hate to give it up...instead I would like to recommit to being a more active blogger.

This is kind of one of the things that I would like to do in 2013...a resolution if you will. I was thinking about my total lack of resolutions of 2013....and well I thought how unacceptable...we all need goals! So, I have been brainstorming...and here is what I have so far:

  • Update blog and blog more
  • Catch up on Mia's baby book
  • Make 2012 Photo book
  • Plan a few weekend getaways
  • Find a new semi-permanent home
These are really just things off of the top of my head...but I promise I will be posting a full list before January 1.

Anyway, this was just a garble of randomness...but more importantly...the end of the world has passed once again...or a new era has supposedly I'm hoping to make every day count. :)

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