Monday, February 11, 2013

A Visit from Nemo

No, not that cute little clown fish. I'm talking about the blizzard that we just had here on the east coast. I find myself talking more about our experiences in natural disasters than anyone should have to.

However, this one was really quite fun. I LOVE winter and snow. If you ask Ten, he will tell you I love every season though...which is so true. I love all of the unique foods, smells, colors, holidays...just everything that each season brings.

On Friday, Mia and I headed down to her Japanese class. We had to battle ice, snow, and rain to get to the subway. The whole time I was thinking, this is so not worth it...turnaround and go home...but I continued on...because I mean the class was already paid for. We hopped on the train....and it stopped....for a good ten minutes...once again...I was feeling the regret. But, we made it down there and back just in time for Ten to call and say that he was coming home early because of the snow. 

On Saturday, we looked out our window and saw this...

I was so excited! After 1:00 (and the blizzard winds had subsided), we headed over to Riverside Park to play. Hopefully, this picture gives you some idea of how much we got. Wonderful!  

How did Mia like her first big snow? See for yourself.

Didn't crack a smile...haha. I think we will have to give it a few more tries.

Anyway, so I made snow angels while Ten pelted me with snow bonding and all. No, but we had a really good time.

You know what is also mocha after. We made our own home version...there are probably way better ones out there...and if you know of a good recipe...please share.

Here is what I did though:

1 tsp of instant coffee and half a package of hot chocolate mix...pour in hot water and add a dash of milk....seriously good folks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! I'm glad things were alright for you guys after that blizzard!!
    "Snow" warnings this week here in Tokyo but not too worried... But it's really cold today for Tokyo!!
    Mia definitely doesn't look too happy about the snow, yet. Lol!!
    You all take care though!!
