Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mormons, Anemia, and Charity Walk....oh my

We have A LOT going on here....probably too much actually. 

  • This week we will finally submit all of our documents to apply for Ten's green glad that is almost over of my least favorite things to do in the world is to apply for visas.
  • Mia is officially anemia free...also a big yay! We found out she was anemic at her 9 month checkup (probably because she was a preemie), and we have been giving iron supplements ever since...which do not have pleasant side glad that that is all over well as her little shudder attacks.
  • Our apartment is screaming out...crying and begging...for some sort of spring cleaning. The piles are building up, the floor is losing space, and it just ain't pretty. How do people with babies find the time?? I'm guessing during nap time....but we are those co-sleeping weirdos you hear can't.
  • Speaking of naps, I am convinced I have a thyroid problem. I seriously slept  hours upon hours this weekend and still felt exhausted. Ten says he feels the same, so he must have one too.
  • Also, related to energy/sleep...I am attempting to give up has been a whole 4 or 5 days since giving it first, I felt like a I thought that if it makes me feel this way from cannot be good...and now I feel great...though my hot chocolate consumption has drastically increased.
  • I still have not taken Mia's one year pictures or done a few other things to mark her first they are on the TDL for this week.
  • Also this week: play date at the AMNH, play date in Central Park, Japanese lesson, Gymboree lessons (at least 2), Mother Goose Time, library story time, Sakura Matsuri, March for Babies, and possibly church...can you slap me now?
  • I dyed my hair this weekend...a golden mahogany brown...Ten has asked to please go back blonde...I believe I shall as soon as I find a good place to get my hair did at.
  • We have decided that a true family vacation is one where we stay in a hotel...our choices so far: Hannibal, Fukuoka/Tokyo, Florida, or Hawaii....Ten and I are seriously in love with Hawaii....but it is so far away....

Now for a brief Mormon update: I've had two more meetings with my missionaries...where I actually redid a lesson (on Joseph Smith) and finally got my Book of Mormon. I've finished reading 1 Nephi, and I like it so far...and believe that the Book of Mormon could be true...I mean why not. If you believe Jonah was swallowed by a whale...and Jesus walked on doesn't take too much to believe that the Book of Mormon could be true.

Also, our life is slowly becoming Mormonized...we have a Hawaiian cultural event we are going to next week at the church and a block party the following week. We are also going to start attending services there as soon as we can clear up our schedule...we made an attempt today...but my thyroid problems got in the way ;) ... Also, Sundays are being transitioned into a family work, no TV, etc.

Say what you will, but we are happy hanging out LDS style for the at least learn more about it....I like to think that I am 70% converted, so negative comments regarding my LDS homies...will most likely offend me...Sometimes, I think that if I said I was converting to Buddhism people would be less offended...I have no idea why though....anyway, rant over.

So, here is what we have going I need to be getting back to work (the paid kind)...yuck!

1 comment:

  1. I.believe everyone ahoukd have.a faith they have studied thoeoughly. Good for you! I dealt with hypo thyroidism during pregnancy but it has seemed to have fixed itself post partum...THANK GOODNESS! Wish I could give lots to March of Dimes because I know how much they do for babies like Christian but between the gas back and forth to the hospital evrry day and the hospital bills that keep piling up I'm drowning. One day I hope to re ally give back.
