Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I am so looking forward to the rest of this month. We have Mia's birthday this weekend, and the Sakura Festival at the end of the month. Should be lots of fun.

Mia's gym class and Japanese class are both ending this month, and I am looking forward to having the chance to reexamine our schedules a little bit.

We also have the March for Babies at the end of this month, and I'm a teeny bit worried that Mia may not want to do the whole thing. However, we have our rockin team shirts which I am excited to wear (and don't worry your donations did not go towards those...haha).

Speaking of March for Babies, I have been so happy with the donations that we have raised from friends....and to be completely honest...completely underwhelmed when it comes to my family. A few have stepped up....but not what I was expecting....note to self: lower expectations :(

Speaking of events, there is going to be a Greek festival in our neighborhood next month...and we love Greece, so we are sooo looking forward to this!!

We were so, so exhausted today and didn't get home until around 6 pm...and Ten wasn't impressed with my meager offer of old rice, leftover salmon, and half container of Trader Joe's soup (love that stuff), so we ran up the road to grab some takeout. I ordered a 3 pc chicken with mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, and cornbread....heavenly...and plenty leftover for lunch tomorrow....yum.

Finally, wowzer my investigating the Mormon church has brought with it a lot of (unsolicited) advice...I mean like from everywhere...even STRANGERS. I had no idea that people had such strong feelings about Mormons. For the most part, I totally appreciate everyone's opinions.

Well I'm sure I wanted to get some more things off of my chest, but it is nearing my bedtime.

Nighty Night


  1. I had no clue anything about you all doing this....could have donated...but didn't know! *Alisha*

    1. Oh hey! I was definitely not talking about you....I emailed all aunts and uncles....and they all basically ignores my several attempts.....I was thinking even a reply would have been nice....haha....oh well.

  2. What is this march? I don't get it...

    About the mormons: Would you even want your own planet? Would you even want to be a god? I don't.
    Seems to me there is a lot thinking going on like "I can do better than this god and my planet would be a lot more fun". Weird.

    1. Hi Michelle. It is a fundraising event for premature babies...great cause.
