Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Catch Up

This is just a quick note to say that we are still here. The weather has cooled off drastically since we got back to the city from our Disney trip. I think we can officially say goodbye to summer. Did we fully take advantage of our summer? I'm not sure. I think we could have planned more things to do on the weekends. We have been busy though with just daily life, so I hope that we can do a little bit better in the fall. We may possibly try to make it out to the beach this weekend, but I think its going to be too cool. The temp is likely to be in the high 70s for most of the day, so we may have to rethink that plan and maybe spend a nice day picnicking. We haven't done much of that this summer either.

So, what else has been going on? Ten has been super busy working on a project (not work related) which keeps him up until the wee hours of the morning. We also received our letter for our green card know...the one to make sure we aren't lying or anything like that. We were shocked to see that the interview was at 7:30 in the morning! I wonder how our lawyer will also feel about getting up at that time.

We also have Mia's schedule set for September, and it is busier than I would like it to be. We have cut out one class, but she still has something going on nearly every single day! There are just too many options here, and it's hard to just sit at home with so much going on.

Anyway, hopefully I will bust out my camera soon to capture a bit more of our daily life. I have been a big slacker...I know.

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