Friday, October 18, 2013

My Second post in October....shame on me.

I have been wanting to blog for so long now. We have had so much going on though that I just haven't gotten the time to sit down....alone...and think...and type. Anyway, so here is the  list.

  • Mia has had a fever for the last 4 days. It peaked at 102 and kind of hung around 100....four days of taking care of her and being stuck inside. I am going stir crazy. We made a rather unsuccessful trip to the park this morning. Mia sat down in some water and made a rather sad attempt to go down the slide....All in ended up in a meltdown, and I had to carry her back to the apartment where I promptly put her to bed and she fell asleep. I tell you it is tough being a toddler.
  • On that note, I'm sure part of her crankiness is from the fact that she is getting 4 top teeth at once. Two of those are molars, so that can't be fun at all.
  • I'm thinking to have a Halloween dinner. I know that that isn't really a traditional kind of thing to do, but I imagine that it will be a grand tradition to start.
  • Speaking of Halloween, I've been making French toast for breakfast in the mornings. Mia has been my assistant and using Halloween cookie cutters to cut it in to shapes. Her favorite shape is the pumpkin. I made Ten a ghost one morning, and he was totally confused....but then admitted that he liked it.
  • I have been going through the apartment drawer by drawer, cabinet by cabinet to declutter. It has been a really slow process, and I'm not all that sure that I'm making that much progress....but it is a start.
  • I have started working on our advent calendar. You may be thinking...what?! One of those crazies that is celebrating Christmas in October. No, not all. This calendar is just a lot of work and planning. I am doing 24 books counting up to Christmas. So, we had exactly 1 Christmas book. This means I had to look up the best books and then order them all. I started about three weeks ago, and I think I will get the rest of my books in the next two weeks. Then I can wrap them all up and have them ready for the end of November. I'm actually so happy that I'm planning ahead to make the holidays a lot less busy.
Anyway, here are some of the things we have been doing. I really do have a strong desire to make this blog better, but in the meantime life is kind of happening. 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blog, no matter how often you post, I know you're busy so whenever you can. : )

    I'm with you on the decluttering being a slow process. I started doing my half of the closet and I did pretty good and then I sorta pooped out and it's still not done yet. @.@ Anyway just wanted to say, I hear ya. : )
