Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend Update: Trip to Grand Central

Happy Monday!

I am in a super good mood. It probably has to do with the combination of a nice weekend combined with the upcoming holiday. 

Let's see. Ten had a whole 3.5 days off, so I got a major break. He shuttled Mia to 5 different classes and gave me a much needed break. That is right. On Thursday afternoon he took her to gym class followed by a slot I had booked at the indoor playground. On Friday, he took her to a party for two hours. Saturday, he was out the door at 8:00 to take her to another session at the indoor playground, and then Sunday he took her to swimming class. Talk about a lot of quiet and peace that I got to experience. I am lucky to have a guy who is so willing to take Mia out...and he loves it. It is a huge win-win for everyone.

We also had lots of time to spend together. We went to breakfast with some good friends where we had good conversation and overpriced pancakes (seriously need a new breakfast place). We also decided to take Mia to the holiday train show at Grand Central Station. She had a great time watching the choo-choo cars as she calls them. It was also my very first time to Grand Central, and it is beautiful. I will admit that I have been pretty disappointed by most sites here (sorry Lady Liberty and Times Square), but this was a really beautiful place.

Here are some of the photos of the train exhibit we saw.

Mia loved watching the trains go by.

I seriously could not get a good picture of the main terminal. I think you need to go during the day actually. I did get this lovely picture of these two though.

Let's see in other news....we are well into Christmas shopping. I seriously hope I can knock everything out within the next week or so. I'm pretty sure I can if I stay on top of it all. I am also in the process of interviewing doulas as well as trying to figure out how we can do a better job of celebrating New Year's. We kind of failed last year, and we both want to do a lot better this year.

In some disturbing news, I am pretty sure that my doctor's office ran genetic tests on me without my permission. I have actually refused all testing, but got a letter in the mail the other day from a lab talking about said tests that were ordered by my doctors. I am one unhappy patient....let me tell you....wonder what they will have to say.

Friday, November 15, 2013


Hi friends!

I'd like to say that I have been so busy, so I wasn't able to blog...but that wasn't the case. Instead, I have been cutting things out of my day. I've only been making time for things that I actually feel like doing and things that are actually worth spending time doing. So, what does this mean? It means I've been taking care of Mia, meeting friends, trying out new programs, resting, and having lots of conversation with Ten....and let me tell you....this has given me a lot of space to just breathe. Anyway, here are some odds and ends.

  • We took Mia to her first circus, and I definitely have a post almost ready to go for that. I want to make sure I get it published soon so that we don't forget the details of that day.
  • I have been doing a lot of rethinking of things. I'm reconsidering the way I spend my time through books and social media and TV. I've started deleting people off of my Facebook who I don't really know or are extremely negative. I've started reading books that are only uplifting, and I'm even considering stopping watching anything that is rated R. Why? Are these things worth my time? How do they make me feel? Do I want our children exposed to such things? I think the answer to all of these questions is quite clear, so this is where I am with this at the moment.
  • Other things I've been pondering....where will we be next year? We hope to least definitely out of this apartment. Do we move out of the city? Out of the state? Will something come up where we leave the country again? All things we are wondering.
  • We enter the crazy holiday madness that goes from October through May...and adding Mia's birthday to that as well as the arrival of our new baby girl. You know what? We are doing awesome. Halloween was pretty stress free. We are almost fully stocked for Thanksgiving...and Christmas shopping and prep will be done by the first weak of December...yay me!
  • Anyone know how to get a toddler to eat? I mean we are not just talking picking....recently we are talking about the fact that Mia is just not interested in all. It is a challenge right now, but I know once we come out of it...we will feel like mission accomplished...yay she is eating!
  • That is all I have time to awesome laptop battery is going to die....any second now.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween Part 2

I swear we got tons of use out of Mia's Halloween costume this year. I think we got to wear it to a total of 6 different events, so I'm glad we chose something that was simple and basically a dress. This meant that she actually kept it on. In fact, she loved it so much that it is now in hiding.

Let's continue....Mia dressed up for her music class.

Mia popping bubbles in music. Do you see the baby dressed as a prisoner? Funny.

Dancing with scarves....maybe one of her favorite activities.

On the way home I stopped and picked up some Peeps. I don't like them and quickly learned that neither does Mia nor does the marshmallow addict Ten....go figure.

Later in the week, we went to Mia's gym class. She loved all of the Dr. Seuss decorations they had up for Halloween. I was glad they 
decorated without making it creepy. Perfectly chosen theme if you 
ask me....Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to snap any pictures.

Mia on the trampoline. Sometimes she will spend half an hour running back and forth on it.

Her favorite teacher was dressed up as the Lorax.

The Grinch in the background.
On Halloween, we decided to take Mia trick or treating. This was actually kind of by accident or rather last minute I should say. I missed the deadline to sign up to hand out candy, so at the last minute we decided to take her to the apartments in the building.

One of maybe the 20 or so apartments we visited. We spent a total of 45 minutes trick or treating and we were all beat afterwards. She loved knocking on the doors, picking out her candy, and then telling everyone bye.

Enjoying her lollipop. She guards these with her life...haha.

Some of her Halloween loot.

On Friday, we had our final and biggest Halloween event. We went to her school for the party that they had there. They sang songs, played in the gym, made crafts, had their pictures taken, decorated cupcakes, had a parade (which Mia thought was super funny), and ate pizza. It was a jam packed 2 hours and lots of fun.

By the end of the night....she was Halloweened out.

Goody bag which included bubbles, a cookie, stickers, sunglasses, a ball, some small toys, and a smoothie and bath bomb from LUSH for the moms. Thank you school! That bath was much needed after all of the planning and escorting of our little ones around town!

Mia's picture frame. She did a really good job making sure the eyes and nose got put where they belong. Also, she called the stem his "hat." I thought...yeah...I can totally see how you would think that...hahaha. Great job!
That concludes our Halloween festivities. We were really busy and had a lot of fun. In all honesty, I ripped down our decoration on Saturday and Sunday. I was ready to have a little bit of a holiday break before Thanksgiving and Christmas. Like I said, lots of fun but didn't want to get burnt out on the festivities.