This post may be really boring to those who read it, but I wanted to do a kind of yearly recap. I realize that even when I try to think back about what all has happened this year....bits and pieces are missing....hahaha. So in a few years, we might not remember anything....
So, here is a summary of 2011!!
I actually don't remember a whole lot from this month (see what I mean). But, I do remember that we had just moved into our new apartment on Christmas of 2010...and the beginning of January was dedicated to mainly unpacking and organizing our new place. It was so nice to not live within eye sight of our offices. Sleep came much quicker.
In February, Ten received a well deserved promotion, so that was really nice. Also, we found out that I was pregnant for the first time. Safe to say that things were starting on a high note.
This is where things started to get a tad complicated. Ten got asked around March 10 or so if he would be interested in going to London on a short-term assignment...hmm...something to consider we thought. Then, the earthquake hit on the 11th. Luckily I had just gotten home from immigration, and Ten was safe at work...but with the damage to the nuclear plant and everything else going on...It was safe to say that London became a no brainer. Also, we decided to head down to Fukuoka to stay for two weeks while our visa papers were going through to avoid radiation...and so that we could actually have food and water. Looking back...this was definitely the right choice for us. People went crazy buying up everything, so times were rough in Tokyo.
We headed back to Tokyo, and shortly found out that I had had a miscarriage. This required my first hospital stay in Japan...which I can say wasn't a bad experience. The nurses, doctors, and Ten were all so helpful and sweet. A few days after I left the hospital, we were off to London. We settled into a small apartment there, but soon moved out when the neighborhood was a bit to...shall we say...conservative...burkas were the epitome of fashion in this I or my style didn't quite mesh...haha. Our new home was on Villiers Street...a much more lively area. Thank you Ten for convincing me that this would be a better place for us because indeed it was!!
This includes most of April too actually. We had such a great time in London. We ate so many roasted chickens, trifles, sweets, and other hearty dishes. We also got to see several musicals, visit botanical gardens and parks, watch the London marathon, watch the Royal wedding from Trafalgar Square, and so much more. We especially enjoyed our days out in Greenwich and Kew Gardens. Madrid and Scotland made great weekend trips, and Cambridge was such a peaceful little town. All in all...we had a great and almost stress free two months.
This month was also a ton of fun. We took the first two and a half weeks or so and did a bit of travelling in Europe. We first went to Venice for a few days (where we ate way too much gelato) and spent a lot of time just walking along the canals. Next, we headed to Rome and ate lots of pizza while visiting tons of churches and historical ruins and sites. We flew over to Athens...and absolutely loved this city. We loved the people and loved the food even more. Next, we took a plane to Santorini and literally spent most of our time just staring at the ocean and the views....I don't think we could ever get tired of that! Finally, we made our final stop in Berlin. I have never seen someone eat as many bratwursts, currywursts, etc as Ten...but they were so good. We also did a lot of things related to the Holocaust and the Berlin Wall well as spent a whole lot of time at the spa. We were a bit shocked when we saw that it was divided into men/women and women only sections...very liberal the Germans are in that sense...haha
I officially quit my job around July, so in August I commenced full housewife duties. Also, we started trying for another baby this month. The biggest news was probably that Ten got hit by a truck while biking to work...on Aug 1....nice way to start the month.
September -December
In September, we confirmed that I was pregnant again...we work quickly don't we...haha. So, these months were filled with doctor's appointment for both Ten (the truck accident) and myself. Also, my mom officially decided to come to Japan! Never thought that this would happen. And, Ten took a short trip to Hong Kong for work.
Whew! So, really long...but like I said...this is more so I can remember what we did this year rather than anything else. All in all, I think that we had a pretty great year. Things were a bit inconvenient at times, but it could have also been so much worse.
I can't wait to see what 2012 brings!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Festivities....well kind of...
I wish I had a wonderful, magical Christmas blog to write just didn't happen. The cupcakes never got made, the cake decorations went unused, and cream stew for diner rather than anything related to Christmas.
We ended up unwrapping our presents in the morning and then immediately putting everything away and ripping down all of the Christmas decorations. Yes, our celebration lasted a grand total of 10 minutes.
It's not that we are a Scrooge/Grinch like couple, but we just didn't get into it this year. Instead we spent the day ripping through our apartment and cleaning everything....all in preparation for New Year. Also, this is our last Christmas as a couple quiet and calm was key.
We did get some great gifts...especially the onsie for the baby. However, it was a bit comical as we had no idea where to put it...hmm...may have to do a big reorganization of the apartment in the very near future.
So, even though we had a very quiet Christmas, I'm sure that we are going to make up for it during the New Year holiday.
P.S. Someone asked what the name of the tapeless wrapping was called....The name is simply "diagonal wrapping." If you search Japanese diagonal wrapping....several sites will pop up.... :)
We ended up unwrapping our presents in the morning and then immediately putting everything away and ripping down all of the Christmas decorations. Yes, our celebration lasted a grand total of 10 minutes.
It's not that we are a Scrooge/Grinch like couple, but we just didn't get into it this year. Instead we spent the day ripping through our apartment and cleaning everything....all in preparation for New Year. Also, this is our last Christmas as a couple quiet and calm was key.
We did get some great gifts...especially the onsie for the baby. However, it was a bit comical as we had no idea where to put it...hmm...may have to do a big reorganization of the apartment in the very near future.
So, even though we had a very quiet Christmas, I'm sure that we are going to make up for it during the New Year holiday.
P.S. Someone asked what the name of the tapeless wrapping was called....The name is simply "diagonal wrapping." If you search Japanese diagonal wrapping....several sites will pop up.... :)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas Come Early
Christmas in Japan can be quite....well...I guess you could say disappointing. You have to kind of go hunting for the Christmas spirit. It just isn't in the air here like it is back home. So, we have to do the best with what we have.
Today, Kahori came over to watch some Christmas DVDs that she had sent over from Canada.
Do you remember these movies?...classics
We actually didn't watch the movies, but they did make for good background noise while we caught up and planned for our trip to Disney....haha.
We also ate a ton of food...oh the doctor will not be happy at my next weigh in...but that is a story for another day.

Jalapeno pizza and a cheeseball that I made...recipe will follow at the end.
Also, I told Kahori that I needed a human pic for the blog...hahaha...I didn't want it to be myself...because well...did I mention the weight gain...It's not like I've gained 100 pounds or anything's just that I'm not used to it yet....haha
And of course a gift exchange...I "accidentally" saw through the bottom of the I think I know what it is....but I'll wait to open it....oops. (but dear Kahori...I love it!! Thanks!)
A nice way to start the Christmas weekend.... :)
Anyway, for anyone interested in making this super easy is the recipe:
1 package of cream cheese
Shredded cheddar cheese (amount that you like)
2 pineapple rings (cut up into small pieces)
1/4-1/2 of a small onion (chopped)
a dash of salt
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
Crushed walnuts
Let the cream cheese sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. Add all of the ingredients (minus the walnuts) in a bowl and mix/fold well.
Refrigerate over night.
About 30 minutes before serving. Mold the cheese into balls. I made two, but you could do one big one or bite-sized ones. Then simply roll the balls in the walnuts until coated. Serve with crackers.
Really easy...and usually people love these things.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Internet Addiction??
Sometimes I would love to throw my phone and computer out the window. Not because I'm frustrated with them, but because I feel that they are glued to me and drain me of all energy.
Well, that may be a little dramatic. Today, I got a message from my sister saying that she would be phoneless/Internetless for the next two weeks. I'll admit that in the back of my mind I was may actually get a lot more stuff done now. I mean we spend so much time texting each other and using Skype (not that this is necessarily a bad thing).
So, I rolled out of bed and started cooking breakfast and making Ten's mom got on Skype. Okay, we do have some things we need to talk about before she leaves for fair enough. After talking with her for a good 40 minutes or so, I was able to hop in the shower. Almost as soon as I got out, I was back on Skype talking to my grandma for at least an hour. Whew.
I looked at the clock and realized that it was after 10:30. Now, I had been up since 7:30 and had spent half of that time on the phone....crazy! This was followed with two messages on Facebook to a cousin who needed some addresses and catching up on my emails.
So, here is the dilemma. I would love to try to spend 24 hours (or more) without touching a computer or smartphone; however, I'm not sure that that is possible. I mean if I didn't use my PC, then how would I find recipes, work on course work, etc? Also, if I didn't use the old phone, then I wouldn't be able to talk to family or friends (though for 24 hours...may not be that big of a deal).
Anyway, I feel slightly addicted to being connected through technology these days. I'm thinking there could be a possible New Year's Resolution in all of this.
Well, that may be a little dramatic. Today, I got a message from my sister saying that she would be phoneless/Internetless for the next two weeks. I'll admit that in the back of my mind I was may actually get a lot more stuff done now. I mean we spend so much time texting each other and using Skype (not that this is necessarily a bad thing).
So, I rolled out of bed and started cooking breakfast and making Ten's mom got on Skype. Okay, we do have some things we need to talk about before she leaves for fair enough. After talking with her for a good 40 minutes or so, I was able to hop in the shower. Almost as soon as I got out, I was back on Skype talking to my grandma for at least an hour. Whew.
I looked at the clock and realized that it was after 10:30. Now, I had been up since 7:30 and had spent half of that time on the phone....crazy! This was followed with two messages on Facebook to a cousin who needed some addresses and catching up on my emails.
So, here is the dilemma. I would love to try to spend 24 hours (or more) without touching a computer or smartphone; however, I'm not sure that that is possible. I mean if I didn't use my PC, then how would I find recipes, work on course work, etc? Also, if I didn't use the old phone, then I wouldn't be able to talk to family or friends (though for 24 hours...may not be that big of a deal).
Anyway, I feel slightly addicted to being connected through technology these days. I'm thinking there could be a possible New Year's Resolution in all of this.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Our doorbell was ringing non-stop today!! All in preparation for the holidays....kind of...First, we received a package of food from Ten's mom. This had to be the most random assortment of food that we have received...a bag of sugar? hmmm....Also, we received yet another giant bag of rice. We are now up to about 15+ kg (30+ lbs) of rice. We seriously have no idea what we are going to do with all of this idea....we are also a little bit confused as to why Ten's mom keeps sending these massive amounts of rice....very nice of her though...and we won't go hungry this winter....haha
There were so many cute packages in the box...and so many good snacks....we can't wait until Christmas gets here...and yes, we will year, we opened it up the day we got the box...Christmas Day was so disappointing after that...hahaha.
Now completely changing topics...lunch today...a taste of home...hahaha. We haven't eaten anything BBQ style in a pulled chicken sandwiches today...really easy and so good.
I cut up 4 cloves of garlic and a small onion and threw them in a pot with two chicken breasts along with a cup of water and a cup of BBQ sauce. I boiled it for 15 minutes and then shredded the chicken while continuing to boil the sauce. Threw back in the chicken and boiled for 15 more minutes....Done!! Also, I wish I would have taken a pic of the awesome baked pork Ten made today....I'm sure we will be eating it again this week until then....
Finally, (another change of subject....) I did a bit of shopping. The drug store is one of my favorite places to shop....hahaha
Eye masks and face masks...Ten kind of complained about whether it was necessary to get them...but then I quietly reminded him of how he secretly (well not so much now) uses them too...silence....hahaha
Anyway, just the highlights of our Saturday. Kind of long, but I figure it makes up for all of the days when I didn't type anything...haha...and as I am scrolling back through this blog entry, I must say that we are both lucky to have the parents that we do...we never have to go without...even as we are nearing the end of our 20s... :)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
16 Weeks
Yay, the three of us have made it to the 16th week and have started our regular prenatal checkups. Here is a rundown of how things are going.
Hospital Visit
Each hospital visit goes something like this:
- Check-in at the front desk. I give them my medical card, insurance card, and coupon for partial reimbursement (love these).
- Urine collection. I head to the bathroom and get to fill up a cup...well not fill it up...though Ten said that I should try to fill it to the brim....umm...I didn't...FYI.
- Blood Pressure and Weight: Ten and I head to the machines where we measure these ourselves. They spit out a little piece of paper with the numbers on them, and we give them to the midwife not having to check my weight with a nurse watching...hahaha.
Finally, we see the doctor. This always includes an ultrasound...which is never boring...along with whatever tests are scheduled for that time period...overall, pretty easy.
Baby this Week (between 15-16 weeks)
- Baby is resting pretty high up there, so when they were using the Doppler to find the heartbeat, they couldn't find anything...oops ...they were looking a lot too low...and too far left...hahaha...but the position is really good and baby is fully attached.
- We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, and it was clocking in at 150 bpm.
- Baby measures at 10.5 cm from head to waist.
Everything is as should be at this stage. Here is our most recent pic....
It was a abdominal not the best image....but if you stare at it like a MagicEye poster long enough...then you may be able to make out a baby....hahaha
All of my tests have come back fine as well. The doctor mentioned that I've gained a little bit more weight than they would like, but it isn't all that bad. Considering I haven't been able to exercise...I would wonder why they are surprised...hahaha. However, I did get a free ticket for a prenatal yoga class which I may test out.
Ten has been doing a great job!! He will be/is such a great dad. Here is what he has been up to:
- Ten was a superstar at our doctor's appointment. He had a whole list of really good questions. He asked, translated, and explained everything.
- He took the time to read through almost all of the hospital info...and we have tons...and it keeps building with every visit.
- He filled out our date/appointment card. This card lists all the dates that correspond to the weeks and tests. A little bit tiresome to fill out...and hard to here is a photo....
- Let's see...he also started a spreadsheet with all of the baby stuff that we have to buy...we aren't buying anything now...but just so we will be ready when the time comes.
- Finally, he has been looking at the most ridiculously priced strollers, cribs, toys, etc. Why? Because his baby shall have the best stuff....I am hoping that this will wear off though because a lot of it is so unnecessary...hahaha....but it definitely shows how much he cares.
So, that is the rundown, and the last little piece is that we have made our birth appointment at Aiiku Hospital. It seems like their philosophy is similar to what we believe, so it is a great match!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Savoring the Moment
We are moving right on through December. It seems like time is flying by. The rest of this month is about to get super busy...and it seems like the busyness will continue right into next year.
.....let's see...tomorrow we have our 16 week doctor's appointment...fingers crossed....and then we will be working on the details of Ten's mom's visit to well as straightening out the details of my mom's visit....a lot of shopping to stock up on food for our house guests :) ..... and as Ten has told me there will be a deep clean of this apartment...yikes.
Also before everyone descends on our tiny apartment, I need to find some time to squeeze in a hair appointment. Right now, my hair is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. Everything about it.
Then the end of the month will contain a whole lot of sight seeing.
Next year....oh...let's see....maybe a possible move (would so love this!!)...Ten has a ton of things happening at work including some trips time (never fun and time consuming)...and getting ready for a baby.
So, the point of all of this rambling? How do you stay focused on enjoying every day and not getting caught up in just getting things done and over with? How do you avoid getting caught up in the details?
I think that Ten and I are always thinking about getting things out of the way and what is coming next. It is really hard to slow down and just enjoy the moments that we are in now. I'm hoping that by typing this up will help remind me of this as we move into the weekend. For example, instead of thinking..."I want to get tomorrow's doctor's appointment over with," I should be thinking...."This is an interesting TV show that I'm watching...right now." Or "I'm going to do these dishes right now so that we can relax tonight." Not "I need to do these dishes so I can start....insert next task here."
So, while I have totally kicked the habit of procrastination it seems, now I need to focus on making a better environment for myself and at home.... Otherwise, as morbid as it might sound...we are kind of just counting down the days until...well...death.... Yes, a terrible thing to say, but entirely true.
.....let's see...tomorrow we have our 16 week doctor's appointment...fingers crossed....and then we will be working on the details of Ten's mom's visit to well as straightening out the details of my mom's visit....a lot of shopping to stock up on food for our house guests :) ..... and as Ten has told me there will be a deep clean of this apartment...yikes.
Also before everyone descends on our tiny apartment, I need to find some time to squeeze in a hair appointment. Right now, my hair is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. Everything about it.
Then the end of the month will contain a whole lot of sight seeing.
Next year....oh...let's see....maybe a possible move (would so love this!!)...Ten has a ton of things happening at work including some trips time (never fun and time consuming)...and getting ready for a baby.
So, the point of all of this rambling? How do you stay focused on enjoying every day and not getting caught up in just getting things done and over with? How do you avoid getting caught up in the details?
I think that Ten and I are always thinking about getting things out of the way and what is coming next. It is really hard to slow down and just enjoy the moments that we are in now. I'm hoping that by typing this up will help remind me of this as we move into the weekend. For example, instead of thinking..."I want to get tomorrow's doctor's appointment over with," I should be thinking...."This is an interesting TV show that I'm watching...right now." Or "I'm going to do these dishes right now so that we can relax tonight." Not "I need to do these dishes so I can start....insert next task here."
So, while I have totally kicked the habit of procrastination it seems, now I need to focus on making a better environment for myself and at home.... Otherwise, as morbid as it might sound...we are kind of just counting down the days until...well...death.... Yes, a terrible thing to say, but entirely true.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Online Christmas Shopping
I have been a terrible gift giver for every Christmas since starting university, and I say I because no blame should fall on Ten...hahaha. I have sent out the random Christmas card and random birthday gift, but there has definitely been a lack of consistency. I'd like to blame this on my crazy, busy schedule during university (2 majors, 4 jobs, roommates/boyfriend, and a ton of social/school activities) and then work after graduation. I used to work like a bazillion hours a day and then spend the rest of the time at the gym. Holidays and gifts were the last thing on my mind.
Well now that I have a nephew and the time to actually do things properly, I have finally taken the time to get gifts for my family members this Christmas. Also, the Internet has made shopping so much easier!!
Now, I refused to get things like gift cards and certificates because of how impersonal they are. Instead I have scoured the web for things that I believe each individual will like. I tried to make them more personal and useful. I wish I could list all of the amazing sites here, but then that would give it away.
However, some great sites that I've found are, (links to all kinds of amazing websites), and (gifts for the nephew...I mean not like those have to be special ordered...hahaha).
Anyway, we have one more family member to do shopping for, and we are hoping very much that everything arrives on time and in one piece!!....please let it all arrive....please.
Well now that I have a nephew and the time to actually do things properly, I have finally taken the time to get gifts for my family members this Christmas. Also, the Internet has made shopping so much easier!!
Now, I refused to get things like gift cards and certificates because of how impersonal they are. Instead I have scoured the web for things that I believe each individual will like. I tried to make them more personal and useful. I wish I could list all of the amazing sites here, but then that would give it away.
However, some great sites that I've found are, (links to all kinds of amazing websites), and (gifts for the nephew...I mean not like those have to be special ordered...hahaha).
Anyway, we have one more family member to do shopping for, and we are hoping very much that everything arrives on time and in one piece!!....please let it all arrive....please.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Weekend Recap
I had absolutely no intention of blogging this morning, but here I am. Ten and I had a really nice, quiet here are the highlights
- Ten had an appointment for rehab for his elbow on Saturday morning....but with the hospital being so far away (about an hour and a half) and the weekend being so short, he kind of decided to skip it....I don't blame him.
- It rained non-stop on Saturday, so we actually didn't do a whole lot besides order our groceries online and then eat a ton of pizza. Pizza was discounted at the store, so we couldn't resist....(well I couldn't resist).
- We watched several movies and TV shows. We started watching Arrested Development (I really can't get into this show), Lust, Caution (GREAT movie set in Shanghai during the Japanese Occupation), MaGruber (okay), and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo( also LOVED this movie).
- A bit of a side note, but Ten told me that they are remaking The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in the U.S. This irritates me to no end...why do Americans have to have everything remade....don't be lazy and watch the is amazing!
- I tried a pumpkin smoothie recipe that I found from The Pioneer Woman....totally disappointing...sad but true.
- We made our own version of Mexican rice with a taco bake...and it was amazing if I do say so...Ten even ate it for breakfast today...hahaha.
- Finally, I am still making pretty good progress on that massive To Do List....surprised I am still keeping the momentum going...hahaha.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wrapping Finale
Okay, so today was the last day of my wrapping class....and here are my beautiful creations.... ;)
We started with some origami practice. We were focusing on kimono today, so we had to get the basics down on paper first.
The green on can be used to write names on for place settings and the orange can be used as a chopstick/toothpick holder...really cute. I would have never thought to use them in that way. I will definitely say that this class got the creative juices flowing....
You may notice that I accidentally made the green one a bit on the wide side....the teacher said...oh that is the pregnant kimono like you and the orange is after labor...hehehe....ummm....yeah we aren't going to comment on that....but she had good intentions.
Next we learned how to wrap the wine bottle to resemble a woman wearing a kimono. This is actually really simple but does require a few cords and ribbons to hold it all together.
Finally, we practiced something called peacock wrapping.
Pretty creative, and you can tape the top of it together so it is shaped like one big bow. This is really easy to do. You just make the top side of the paper longer than needed and then fold it back and forth like a paper fan. You then tie a cord or ribbon around the center....super easy!
Anyway, I think I learned a lot of good basic things from this course, and I would like to continue. However, at the same time I'm glad to have it finished with...and it is kind of too cold to get out now anyway. So, I think I will focus on tying up some other loose ends before I commit to anything else.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Happy December 1st!!
December is here...and in case the calendar didn't remind us of that...the weather sure did....brr.... today was such a fun day though!! I started off with some online shopping for Christmas...can't tell you who it was for though....not yet.... ;)
Then off to the station to meet Kahori...and took some pics of all of the Christmas decorations that are springing up. I didn't take a picture of this last one, but Ten sent it to me from his office.
So, we got back to the apartment, and chowed down on some Indian curry...It was soooo good. I haven't had Indian curry in such a long time....and now I may never be able to stop eating it....I may dream about butter chicken.

Kahori then made my day by, who are the Duggars...hahaha...Yes, we watched an episode together...and she said that they were kind of sweet in an old fashioned way...thank you, yes they are.
This was followed by some impromptu wrapping practice. It was pretty fun trying to remember how to do it all.
When I whipped out the camera...she started laughing....hahaha....funny.
So, I read a quote today that said that This is the time of year when we get to be together. How true is that. I hope to spend every day this month trying to build stronger relationships with those who are important to me, and I'm happy that I was able to do that today while soaking up some Christmas vibes. Now, I can't wait until Ten comes home so we can snuggle up on the couch and indulge in some chocolate croissants compliments of Kahori.... :)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Guilty Pleasure
Okay...I'm completely something kind of embarrassing. I am totally addicted to....The Duggars. Yes, the Duggar Family is my slight obsession. I love watching any show about them, and I check their blog religiously.
I've admitted this obsession to my grandma, mother, and sister...and they have all had the same reaction. WHY? They are religious freaks with a zillion children....and yes, I do see why they could possibly creep some people out....but I love them.
Now, I would like to say that having a million kids is not something that I would personally do, but hey it is their choice.
I love the Duggars because of their infectious enthusiasm and positive outlook on everything that they go through. Here are some of the things that keep me hooked on this family:
- Their commitment to live debt free. Amazing. This may not be practical 100% of the time, but it is definitely something to strive for. Ten and I are completely debt free, but then again...we don't really own anything...haha
- Their commitment to having a servant's heart. This family helps each other and also dedicates a lot of time to helping others outside of their family. Wouldn't it be great if everyone acted selflessly?
- Many hands make light work. This is something that Michelle is always reinforcing in her household. I like to keep this in mind when I have to help with something that I don't necessarily want to do. The more people that help, the sooner it gets done.
- Giving positive encouragement. One thing that Michelle Duggar does is to give praise to people when they deserve it and to let people know when they are being helpful, thoughtful, etc. Many times we find it so easy to criticize and complain. However, it is so much nicer to find positive words to help shape people.
- Quality Family Time. I love the fact that the Duggars don't watch TV (though they have their own TV show??). They only watch things that are positive, and they try to find better ways to spend time with each other. When our little baby is born, this is something Ten and I definitely want to emphasize.
My list could go on and on. There are so many positive things to take away from this family. I personally fall extremely short in many of these areas, but I try to make a daily effort to do little things that will turn these into habits.
....and as soon as I clear out some of my old books...I am so getting both of the books by the Duggar family...crazy?....maybe
Monday, November 28, 2011
Chipping Away....
My To Do List is shrinking and has been shrinking quickly over the past few days....though it is still way to ginormous!! I never thought that I would actually be making progress on this horrible nightmare of ever growing tasks.
In the past few days I have started cleaning different sections of my apartment, finished grading 48 pages of accounting work, ordered Christmas presents for our nephew, made significant progress in sorting through our Santorini pictures, almost finished up my wrapping course, started organizing my new planner, caught up on reading some of that baby book stuff, and put up our Christmas decorations! Whew.
How have I motivated myself to get this done? Very, very simple.
First, I try to keep this quote in mind every day. "Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task" ~ William James. This is so true. It is quite stressful to look at a long list of things to do and have to think about where to start and how you will finish it all. So, I try to keep this in mind when the list feels overwhelming and just start chipping away at it.
Next, Ten actually gave me some good advice on time management. We were talking about how useful it is to make lists. However, you should only put half of what you think you can get done on the list. This has helped me tons!! I can't say how much this has helped me. Each day I write down one big task that I want to finish up along with the small ones that I need to finish up. This has really kept me on track. Before I would write down enough to keep me busy for a month and try to squeeze it into a single day in my planner....bad, bad idea...haha.
This may be the first time that I am able to whittle this thing down for good!!
In the past few days I have started cleaning different sections of my apartment, finished grading 48 pages of accounting work, ordered Christmas presents for our nephew, made significant progress in sorting through our Santorini pictures, almost finished up my wrapping course, started organizing my new planner, caught up on reading some of that baby book stuff, and put up our Christmas decorations! Whew.
How have I motivated myself to get this done? Very, very simple.
First, I try to keep this quote in mind every day. "Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task" ~ William James. This is so true. It is quite stressful to look at a long list of things to do and have to think about where to start and how you will finish it all. So, I try to keep this in mind when the list feels overwhelming and just start chipping away at it.
Next, Ten actually gave me some good advice on time management. We were talking about how useful it is to make lists. However, you should only put half of what you think you can get done on the list. This has helped me tons!! I can't say how much this has helped me. Each day I write down one big task that I want to finish up along with the small ones that I need to finish up. This has really kept me on track. Before I would write down enough to keep me busy for a month and try to squeeze it into a single day in my planner....bad, bad idea...haha.
This may be the first time that I am able to whittle this thing down for good!!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Tapeless Wrapping....yes it is possible.
Today I learned the most amazing skill. I can now say that I can wrap gifts without having to use tape, and it looks even better than traditional wrapping. It is done through a series of folds and tucks and is amazing. Here is a little snippet of how its done.
And voila! You insert a card in the pocket. Really cute. Everyone said that this was the most difficult style, but I thought it was the easiest. I will never use tape again!! haha
I finished a little bit earlier, so here is a sneak peak of the classroom that we use.
Next we practiced using single sided ribbon to make bows. I have mad bow making skills now...well kind of.
Finally it was furoshiki time! I love, love, love this part of class. We learned how to make wine bottles more presentable for either dinner parties or for gift giving.
Wine bottle before:
Wine bottle after:
Rather elegant don't you think? Now I just need someone to invite me over so I can gift some beautiful wine.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Practical over Flashy....Yes, Please!!
Christmas is in the air in Tokyo....well as much as it can be here. You really have to search for it. I went on a trip to Omotesando Hills with a friend today to solve the mystery of the missing bank statements. I hadn't received any since August!! Come to find out...they had switched to online banking....hmm...I think I remember receiving something in the mail about that....
Anyway, they had a really cute Disney Christmas theme going on.
They had a nice little light and music you see the Disney princesses in the picture? It's kind of hard...
Then as we were walking to Shibuya, I saw this pink wreath. I would never ever have this in my home, but I loved it for a store decoration...cute!
One of my main goals for today was to find a new planner. At first I was just going to use my iPhone; however, I realized that I need a larger visual and lots of space to I went out with Kahori to find something...At first I contemplated getting an Erin Condren planner from the U.S....since they are super popular right now...but in all current planner is so much I ended up just buying the newer version.
Why do I love this planner?

Yearly Calendar
Space for Key Dates for Each Month
Monthly Layout
Weekly Layout...with a view that breaks down each day into 1 hour increments
...and 1 full page per day that includes a time breakdown, a to do list section, and free space.
Now, don't let these plain pages fool you. They may not have vivid colors, but this planner is extremely useful, and you can decorate it as you want....
As you can see, I've started with some stickers...and will continue with pretty pens.
Now this year, I think I'll give myself a C+ in terms of how I used this planner, and I'm hoping to get a lot more out of next year....maybe A level....oooh.
Example from this past year.
Finally, a bit off topic, but I did get this as a gift from Kahori today....very cute for wearing around the house!! Thank you so, so much...for everything!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thanksgiving on Labor Day
We have binged today on food and sleep....hahaha. Today in Japan was Labor Day and falls pretty close to Thanksgiving. Now, we definitely can't do a completely traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I mean we do live in a tiny city apartment, but we sure did do our best. The food extravaganza started around noon with snack, so many snacks....
![]() |
Lots of Vegetables |
Olives Galore
Ham stuffed with pickles and cream cheese (for Ten...trying to avoid Listeria for me) and different cheeses
Crispy bread...yumm...all served with Ranch Dip....
We ate every single thing pictured above. In reality, it was probably way too much for two people, but I mean it was healthy... right?... and actually later in the day we ate a bit more...pigs I know.
Also, I made a German Chocolate cake with pecan and coconut icing along with some cupcakes. Ten ate half the cupcakes before I could even put on the frosting...yikes...and we have tons of cake left!! Breakfast tomorrow.... :)
Finally, we had dinner around 6 pm or so...baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, stuffing, and rolls.
And like any other Thanksgiving meal, we have tons of leftovers.
So, the final and most important thing is what are we thankful for this year? After talking to Ten, it seems like there isn't much to not be thankful about. We have had a pretty amazing year all in all.
- We are so happy to have each other.
- We are lucky to have experienced pregnancy twice this year, and even luckier that our second little baby is healthy and strong.
- We have a new little nephew due to be born in March next year.
- ....and the parents are coming to celebrate the New Year!!
Now time to start gearing up for Christmas...which is the best holiday...ever!!
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