Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Waste Not Want Not

Today I ripped everything out of the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen and did a bit of an inventory of all of the food that we have. It was painful, but I got it all done. Tomorrow I start on the refrigerator and hopefully the drawers in the powder room (contains medicine, lotion, etc...not food of course). The reason that I do this periodically is not only to clean and reorganize but also to check expiration dates and make sure that I am using what will be expiring next.

So, the purpose of this blog entry is to talk about wastefulness. It is definitely one of my biggest pet peeves. It irritates me when people buy food and then throw it out. I also hate spending for no reason and buying useless things. So, here are some things that I do to reduce the amount of "stuff" that I use...most of it is probably super common...

  • Food: We never waste food!! Leftovers are always made into new dishes. If we have random vegetables, then I will make a soup. Old rice becomes fried rice and of course lots of things are used to make Ten's lunch.
  • Money: We only eat out once a month. We take advantage of free days at various places for entertainment. Also, we try to plan our shopping lists around the sales and coupons that are available for the week...really doesn't take much time.
  • Furniture and Household Stuff: We get tons of second hand stuff from people moving out of Japan as well as from Ten's mom. We really try to avoid buying something if someone else needs to get rid of theirs...this has really worked out for us. We haven't really had to buy any kitchen stuff, bedding, plastic drawers, tables, etc.
  • Other Small Things:
    • Egg Shells - I use these to scour pans as well as to crush up and put in the sink pipes to help keep them clean and clear.
    • Foil - If you fold up old foil and cut it up with scissors, then it will keep your scissors nice and sharp.
    • Old socks - Perfect for cleaning and dusting rags.
Anyway, the list could go on. I'm also always searching for more useful ideas if anyone has any...

I love knowing that trying to avoid waste not only helps my family but also helps the environment... :)

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