Saturday, November 12, 2011

Week 12

Today was our 12 week check-up...well we were actually a few days early because our doctor was all booked up for the next two weeks....but I'm glad that we were able to do it on a Saturday anyway. So here is our most recent snapshot...

A bit blurry, but you get the idea. The best part was watching the little one jump around in there like it was a bouncy house...hahaha. Also, she said that everything looks extremely good, and I have been cleared for exercise!! So happy. She said that usually she doesn't recommend it until 15 weeks, but since everything looks so good that I am good to go...though Ten is kind of demanding that I put it off for a few more weeks...haha. Even better is that I don't have to go back for a whole month. Yes, a whole month without being poked and prodded. Wonderful. Also, we will find out the sex of the baby on January!!

Also, I have received a ton of information over the past few here is a glance at that as well.

To keep on my bag so people will be nice to me and give me their seat on the train....has yet to work though.....

This little book will hold all of the information about my pregnancy and the baby's health for the next 7 years!!
Above and below are examples of the inside...this book is provided by the government I should add.

We also got some information on childbirth, creating a birth plan, and that kind of thing...

I thought that this was kind of cute...haha

Also, I should mention that we have decided not to go through with any of the genetic testing that we were given the option to do...just seems more stressful than anything.

Anyway, when we were heading back home Ten asked if I wanted to have lunch out to celebrate our most recent we kind of went with one of the most unhealthiest meals possible...hahaha...but it was good.

Ten got the fried pork cutlet....he had so many refills on his rice and soup made me sick just watching him eat...hahaha

Fried oysters, fried chicken stuffed with cheese, and a giant fried shrimp served with soup, pickles and rice...this was mine...

Ten serving us the shredded cabbage

There was a whole lot of napping going on after this.


  1. All the pregnancy stuff is soooo cute! :) Congrats- how exciting.

    Also, all that food looks super good.

  2. Congratulations. I'm excited for you. Love the blog too.

  3. Thanks you two!! I appreciate the comments... :)

  4. yay! I'm happy that everything is going well. In the picture is the baby facing forward?

    The cute pictures just shows how Japan can make anything official or serious look cute.

  5. Wow!! Great to see things are coming along well with you and the baby!! Eating hardy is very very good!! Not too much greasy food though... But then again, you are quite healthy to start off with ;)

  6. Your baby looks cute already! It is amazing to see your baby wriggling around at such an early stage. A miracle.
