Sunday, January 15, 2012

21 Week Update!!

I am still here everyone, but haven't felt like blogging much. Hopefully, I will get back in the groove of things. However, I did want to give an update on how things are going in the baby department.

Today, we have officially made it past the half way point at 21 weeks, and we are pleased to announce that we are having a baby GIRL!!

Here is the most recent pic of baby girl....

During the ultrasound, she was moving around like crazy. For the rest of the day, she was kicking me non-stop. I think that she may have been irritated at all the poking...hahaha. 

Anyway only 19 more weeks to go!! I have been assured that the second half will pass more quickly than the first, so we are looking forward to finally meeting the little one face to face in a few months.