Saturday, January 7, 2012

....and the continuation

I will hopefully check this post for grammar errors since Ten said that the last one was terrible, but did I mention that I was extremely tired?

Anyway, so the first evening that the family arrives Ten decides that it would be best to go to the countdown at Zozoji. My mom grabs my all time favorite scarf from my closet, and off they go. Well, I guess everyone forgot that I couldn't walk. They left me sitting in the dark and cold. No one thought to turn on a light or the heat....haha. When they found me lying in the cold, dark bedroom when they returned; my mom mentioned that oops she had lost the scarf. I have no idea how you lose something that is tied around your neck. They proceeded to look through pictures to pinpoint when the scarf went missing....not that that does much good...but oh well.

Let's see...New Year's Day rolls around and they head off again to Meiji Jingu. On the second, I can finally hobble around on my crutches and am talked into going to the Emperor's New Year's Greeting at the Imperial Palace. I am really glad that I went though as the message was really nice, and it's not something that you can do very often. This was followed by a quick trip to Shibuya for shopping where a little girl steps on my foot. By the time I make it back to the apartment...I am in greater pain than the day before...sigh.

The third goes relatively smoothly with a trip to Kamakura to see the Daibutsu...which is always impressive. I absoultely love it there. I also finally got my murasaki imo korokke (wasn't that special). The next day, we headed to Disney. This was maybe the worst Disney trip ever. It was crawling with people like never before with ridiculous wait times. Also, being pregnant and injured meant that I got to sit outside a lot in the cold. So, I had nothing to do but eat. I think I ate everything in the park: pizza, cream puffs, roast chicken, ceasar salad, bread, honey popcorn, hot cocoa, and a caramel apple eclair...yes, that is basically all I did.

The next day we decided to stay at home for the morning since I was beyond miserable at this point. However, things were about to take an all time turn for the worse. My mom checked her email, and they had found out that my step-dad's mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. There was a lot of silence and then some debating about what to do. Not only is it Stage 4, but it is not treatable. After much discussion, it was decided that they needed to see her as soon as possible. This definitely turned out to be the right choice as when they arrived in Phoenix she had already been hospitalized.

Anyway, the next few hours were spent on the phone with the airlines (terrible, terrible people). We were told that it was impossible to get tickets, etc. However, with Ten where there is a will there is a way. Needless to say, he got the route changed and a flight out for that day. This sent us on a mad dash to get them to the airport. I hobbled along the road to get them to the train station. We barely had enough time to get them on the train to the airport, but off they went to Phoenix to see his mom.

We then realized that Ten's mom had already arrived in Tokyo, so he went to her hotel to meet her...and I crashed on the couch until they got to our apartment.

So, now here we are on the 8th and finally able to rest. I feel like the first week of January was a whirlwind. We are very happy that we got to see my family, but it definitely wasn't the trip that we expected. I hope more than anything that the rest of the year isn't as hectic or bring anymore bad news.

On a positive note, tomorrow we reach 20 weeks in the pregnancy!! Half way done! It has passed so fast!! A longer post on that later in the week.


  1. Hello
    From the U.S.A. I have made it home and want to thank you and Ten for the great time in Tokyo. I hope you are doing better. Ten did a great job getting us home . Cant wait to hear about the baby, and Happy New Year!!

  2. So not a great start to 2012 for you and your family. You should take it easy though, and let everyone wait on you whilst you are pregnant. Milk it for all it's worth, as once the baby arrives you won't rest for the next 18 years! Only joking. and when you get to the 20 week mark, the rest of the pregnancy goes by really fast. Now, go and get some rest!
