Thursday, January 5, 2012

Be careful what you wish for....

Remember that post where I talked about our pretty uneventful Christmas and how we would make up for it on New Year's? Well, as I sit here surrounded by clean laundry on the floor, a bag of vegetables sitting out since yesterday in the corner, two electric kettles boxed up next to the wall, and just general messiness everywhere....I'm thinking that uneventful would have been just fine.

Also, I have no idea where to begin. This may have to be a part one, part two type of entry....

So, got a call from my mom and step-dad on the 30th...saying that their flight was delayed by a whole 24 hours. Kind of sucked since they would lose a whole day here, but I mean can't be helped. Also, pretty easy to rearrange the schedule.

I put off grocery shopping until that night since there was no rush, so when Ten came we went. Well, I was walking on a completely flat road....with no steps...when all of a sudden my ankle popped....and then the other ankle popped. Down I went on to the pavement. All that was running through my head was...How stupid do you have to be to twist your ankle while walking on a flat service....dumb...dumb...dumb. 

Ten helped me hobble back to the apartment, and after a few hours of not being able to walk at all and being in intense pain...we decided that the hospital was best.

However, it would have be completely impossible for me to hobble down the four flights of steps and then up a hill to catch a, we called 119 (or equivalent of 911 in the U.S.). 

Our tiny apartment was quickly filled with at least 7 rescue workers (paramedics and firefighters) who were taking my temperature, checking my ankle, and asking about if the baby was okay. I also noticed that they removed their shoes before coming in...kind of smiled to myself there. These were probably the most polite people I have ever met in Japan. They even made arrangements to send me to a "foreign friendly" hospital...since Ten insisted English speaking doctors would be best.

So, off we went to the Red Cross where I was X-rayed and checked out by a not so friendly doctor. Turns out I had sprain my left ankle pretty badly and the right one was also moderately sprained. Also, the nurse informed us that there was about a 50-50 chance of the baby being okay....ummm....she completely didn't know what she was talking about. When the OB/GYN came in....he explained it was about 99.9% safe to say that the baby was indeed fine (which is what we kind of thought as well...I mean I didn't fall down steps), but we opted to have an ultrasound just in case....indeed Baby was not phased in the slightest.

So, off we went back to our apartment around midnight...where I was forced to have Ten partially carry me up some steps....but that was so uncomfortable I decided to crawl up on my hands and knees for two flights....I felt like a lame dog at this point that desperately needed to be put down.

Anyway, off to bed we went....but little did we know more was about to come...which I will continue in Part 2.

Also, not to self...I need/want to make some goals for the New Year...which I will also post...after using the weekend to recover from sheer exhaustion. 


  1. hahaha...dont mean to laugh but the way you phrase this stuff is hilarious!
