Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby at 25 weeks

Well last week we had yet another ultrasound for our 24 week check up. I must say that having an ultrasound at every appointment is really fun, and this is one reason I'm very glad to be having our baby in Japan.

This time Ten wasn't able to make it for the whole appointment which was really too bad.... :(  Anyway, the doctor started by checking for a heartbeat...and what do you know...she couldn't find it...again. However, I definitely wasn't freaking out since the baby had just given me a few good kicks to the stomach. Anyway, she quickly broke out the ultrasound equipment and there was the heart beating away somewhere between 140-150 (completely normal). The baby had moved into a head down position, so she was checking in the wrong place.

This appointment was probably one of the most exciting because I finally got to see a clear picture of our baby's face.

Well obviously it wasn't this one. This is such a terrible picture, and I doubt that it helps that my camera was on the wrong setting...haha. My doctor is definitely no photographer...hahaha....but that is really the least important thing.

I also asked her if our baby was still a girl. We checked again, and indeed she is looking more like a girl than ever....if you know what I mean... ;). So, I have no doubt in my mind that in fact she is a girl....hahaha. Also, she was weighing in at a bit over 1.5 pounds and her length is also normal for 24 weeks (even a little bit ahead)....whew always a relief.

Finally, I got to take the lovely glucose test. In Japan (or at my hospital), there are no flavor options. We get a choice between cold or not cold "cider"....hahaha...I chose not cold and downed it and then got the blood work taken a while later. Pretty easy overall.

Anyway, we are still thinking of names for our baby girl, and we are both hoping that we get something chosen soon! Two cultures/two languages and one name is indeed harder than it sounds...hahaha. 


  1. Once you get past the half way mark, the rest of the pregnancy seems go really fast. You will have lots of fun dressing up your baby girl.

    1. I hope so...time seems like it is slowing down...hahaha.

  2. Every time I go to the doctor they have trouble finding the heart beat. The something with Garrett.

  3. They didn't have trouble finding Noah's heartbeat until he was big enough to kick the monitor off of my stomach. Then, it was a pain, lol. Congrats again, girlie. I'm sure your baby girl will be beautiful.

  4. Congratulations on finding out it will be a baby girl. She'll be beautiful, I just know it! : )
