Monday, February 13, 2012

How to Kick a Cold

...or at least deal with a lot of the symptoms. Last week, I found myself quite miserable. Since I'm one not for taking tons of medicine and can't because of pregnancy, I used Google to look up some remedies. Here are the ones that worked for me!

1. Hot tea. I was non-stop with the hot tea. I used ginger tea with tons of honey. This seemed to keep everything clear and stopped my throat from hurting.

2. Gargling. Every hour I gargled with warm water and either baking soda or salt. Sore throat was gone in a day.

3. Fluids. I kept drinking water, juice, tea, and soup constantly. Also did you know that chicken soup isn't just an old wives' tale? However, I'm not a medical professional, so I won't try to explain....just take my word for it. ;)

4. Rest. Luckily I was able to stay home and do nothing else. True benefit of being a housewife....though said house quickly turned slum like.... However, big thank you to Ten for taking care of all of the cooking and basic cleaning.

5. Blowing my nose....and then blowing it some more. Gross? Yes. Effective in getting bugs out of body? Definitely.

6. Vicks Vapor Rub. Yes this was the only medicine that I used. I rubbed it on my neck on day one and it helped relieve the pain and clear up the sinuses. 

7. Humidifier. Dry air is like the worst thing for a cold. We always use a humidifier at night, cold or no cold. 

8. Hot shower. Helped me kick stuffy nose and headache. 

9. Ice pillow. Or I guess an ice pack on the head is just as good. I had a killer headache, and this took it away almost instantly....miraculous!

10. Snuggle with husband. Nothing makes a sick person feel better than a cuddle...haha. 

Anyway, this is my go to guide for the next time I'm sick. 

1 comment:

  1. That's very good advice. And I've always liked Vicks when I was sick, even as a child. ; )
