Sunday, February 26, 2012

Porcupine Wives

As I was searching random blogs the other day, I came across a post called Are You a Porcupine Wife? from Women Living Well.

I was quite intrigued by this post because it seems like there are a lot of "porcupine wives" out there. What is a porcupine wife you might be wondering? It is a wife that has a lot of good points but not really someone who you would want to be around. To read more about these types of gals, please click the link above.

Anyway, so it got me thinking about myself and whether or not I am a porcupine wife. My overall conclusion is no, but I do realize that there are some times when I turn into one.

For instance, a porcupine wife believes that they are always right. This is something that I really struggle with. I would like to think that I am getting better, but when it comes to some topics I still fall into this trap. For instance, when it comes to cooking and household stuff...I tend to think I'm right before I even here what comes out of the husband's mouth. This is really terrible, isn't it? I'm not saying that he is always right, but I should always be open to listening and maybe even learning something from him!

Also, I do have a tendency to pull away when he tries to show me affection. In fact, I can sometimes get annoyed by it. This is also really bad. I mean I should feel lucky that my husband does want to show affection because a lot of wives don't get any. I am absolutely determined to work on this point as well.

Now, there are things that porcupine wives do that in fact I wouldn't dream of, but those aren't really things that I need to worry about. Are any of you porcupine wives or have porcupine tendencies?

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