Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's been going on...

So here is what has been going on here recently....
  • Accomplishment of the Week: With the help of a dear friend, I was able to get both mine and Ten's taxes done for Japan. It took only a mere 3 hours. I was so exhausted from standing that long, but I am so grateful that Ten doesn't have to go down there and deal with it. I just hope everything is processed smoothly, so we don't have to go back for another year.
  • Now, I have the terrible task of working on my taxes for the U.S. This always proves to be a nightmare. The accountant that I have been using for the past 3 years has been utterly incompetent. Therefore, I am breaking from the insanity and trying out someone new this year. 
  • Me and Ten ate some really yummy cake this past weekend. He chose a cream puff from a German shop, and I chose some cake from a French shop. It was sooo good!

  • Ten leaves for Hong Kong this weekend (again), so I am going to do my best to use my time I should everyday.... ;)
  • I really need to start getting our family and myself organized, so I'm looking for a good plan/strategy to follow. So far, I haven't really found what I'm looking for...but hopefully soon.
  • Recently Ten's lunch boxes have been looking kind of sad. I mean just some dry chicken breast and sad. However, I've started to try to jazz them up a little bit and am on the hunt for good ideas. 
  • Continuing with the food theme, I really want to start cooking healthier. We don't eat terribly bad, but there is always room for improvement. Also, exercise desperately needs to come back to our home.
Anyway, feels good to get all of that out.

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