Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mia at One Month

Dear Mia,

Today you are one month old! However, it feels like you have been with us forever.

Over the past month you have become so much more active. You are awake more often so that means lots more snuggling and playing.

 You have been testing out more of your toys these past few weeks, and while you love your play mat...you still aren't too sure about your bouncer. You can only handle being on it for about 10 minutes at a time.

You also love your pink pillow. If you start crying, all we have to do is lay you on it on our laps...and silence...you like to curl up in a little ball and snooze away.

As far as your growth goes, you are now up to 6 pounds and 10 ounces (3 kg). This puts you in the third percentile for your age group (which is okay since we still haven't made it to your due date yet). So, even at one month your newborn clothes are still pretty baggy. However, you have graduated from most of your preemie clothes which is great. Also, you are gaining weight quickly, so we can't wait to see where you are at next month's check up.

Everyone who knows me, say you look more like your mom...but all of your dad's coworkers say that you look like him...we still aren't quite sure yet. Also, your eyes are gray with hints of blue...It will be interesting to see what color they are in a few months time.

At one month some of the other things that you love are baths, classical music, and your daddy singing hush little baby. You are definitely not a fan of diaper changes or sleeping in your baby bed during the day time (nights aren't that bad though).

Thank you so much for joining our little family. You make our days so much better and our nights so much longer (haha).

Love, Your mom and dad


  1. I love all the pictures of her!!! She is really getting big, and she is so pretty.

  2. Wow Ashley! She is simply amazing. So exvited for the three of you and can't wait to meet her! Take care and enjoy the small things, they keep you grounded as a parent!
    Angie McClimon

  3. What a precious baby! Congratulations!!!

  4. She is so cute! I can't wait to see her in person! As for who she looks like, I'm not sure...

  5. Oh wow. I just read your birth story. Childbirth is stressful enough without all the extra drama you went through. You did a great job and your baby is an angel. A perfect sweet little girl. Congratulations to you and your husband.
