Monday, May 14, 2012


  • The other day we ordered six cases of water....six cases of water is actually a whole lot when it arrives to your tiny apartment...on the upside...the boxes are making great end tables at the moment.
  • I'm seriously contemplating actually spending money on an app. I have previously swore to never waste money on such things...but I really want to start running...and feel that I need an app to help me find the motivation to do it...hmm...that probably makes no sense whatsoever in reality.
  • Ten came home the other day from work...looked at my clothes...and said that I looked like a mom...I was absolutely offended...and will have to correct said situation as soon as humanly possible!
  • I am so looking forward to the summer!! I love fireworks and summer festivals in Tokyo. However, not sure I will actually get to attend these events....but just knowing they will be going on makes me smile.
  • Recently I am loving listening to radio broadcasts from Focus on the Family. Now, I disagree with a majority of their views on social issues...but I find some programs useful...and their extreme conservatism entertaining.
  • I have finished 3 out of the first 15 books on my reading list and have started number 4. Going well. However, I found a whole heap of other books that I want to read as well....hmmm...not sure if I should stick with the current list or just read whatever....I think I will stick with it....but I may sneak in an additional book or two....I still have a final goal of 30 so doesn't hurt.

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