Monday, September 17, 2012

Mia: 5 Months Old!

 Dear Mia,

You are five months old now, and we have been loving every minute of it. You are such a happy baby, and we get this comment wherever we go with you. People just love to smile at you, and you give them a smile right back. You melt hearts on the subways and in the parks in NYC.

This past month (actually yesterday), you had your first cold...and what did you do? You smiled right through it and got better in no time at all. We also started your first Japanese class (for babies of course). I wasn't too sure if we would join for the full session, but after seeing you there...we had no choice. You were smiling, laughing, and "talking" the whole time. You LOVED it...especially the dancing and also the books with funny noises.

You also enjoy playing with lots of your toys now. You will grab at things and hold and shake your rattles. Books are also a new favorite of yours. We have been reading lots of Dr. Seuss as well as lots of board books. 

Every month, you bring us lots of new laughs and giggles. The best moments though are when we are all snuggled up in bed together or going for an evening walk. You make everything we do just that more relaxing and rewarding.


Your mom and dad

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My New Love....

I have found something that I absolutely not more than the Duggars, but definitely more than let's say...meatloaf...and I really love me some meatloaf.

I have fallen completely in love with...wait for it...the...DICTIONARY. Seriously...who knew there was so much information in it. I'm only half joking. We all know what the dictionary is...but have you ever took the time to look up words in it. I'm not talking about when you have to because you are filling out a form or because someone uses a big word that you don't understand and want to look it up in case they drop that word bomb again....but just to really understand the meaning of a word. Well this is something that I have been doing lately. Whenever I read a book and come across a word that is common and used very frequently because of its positive connotations...then I go ahead and look it up and write down what it means...crazy you may say...but to me it has been really entertaining...and a great learning experience.

So, here are some of my favorite words and definitions:

Discipline: Now I looked up this word because it is Ten's favorite word to use...I mean like ever...he is always talking about discipline and how everyone needs it...sounds scary....but let's look at what it that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character....hmm...yeah...maybe everyone could use some more discipline in their lives.

Family: two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place....I kind of like this definition of family...I in fact love the part about shared goals and values...because that is what makes a successful family!

Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty....I think using this definition...we may no far more courageous people than we believe.

Diligent: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort. Hard work isn't just about doing the work...but it is also about doing it energetically...hmmm...maybe there aren't enough diligent people today.

Anyway, the next time you write a greeting card or send out an email like this...

Bill you are such a hard worker and we are happy to have you with us.

Wouldn't it sound better to say this...

Bill you are a steady, earnest, and even energetic worker. We are happy to have you....etc...

So, let's all bust our dictionaries and put words to good use.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Random Musings

  • I am completely envious of everyone with all of their fall goodies. I saw a blog with pumpkin hand lotion and see people post about pumpkin lattes...and I get sad...I have so much lotion, I can't really justify buying some just for fall...and the pumpkin lattes...I may have to sneak out and get one sometime soon...but for now I will try to be content with my lone pumpkin spice candle.
  • Labor Day weekend went by way too fast. We started off with a visit to Sony Wonder Technology Lab to watch the Disney movie Chimpanzee (very cute and loved it). The next two days were used to continue our attempt to get caught up on paper work, go grocery shopping, and that kind of thing. However, Ten, Seth and Sarah did go to the that was nice I bet.
  • I just searched the Bath & Body Works website and decided to mainly buy seasonal products going forward...but kind of sounds extreme when I type it.
  • I went to the drugstore yesterday to buy moisturizer. This was my first time to buy moisturizer at a drugstore in forever!! I had absolutely no idea what I was looking at or what was what. They mix so many things into one bottle, so I will probably be going back to department store brands in the near future.
  • Ms. Mia still has not rolled over...I think I may pass out when the little chunker finally learns how to flop her body over.
  • So, we were all excited to eat American food when we moved back...and we then saw how unhealthy it was...and have been adding Japanese food back in the mix...its really just so much better tasting and better health my we are happy with that choice.
  • On another note, I have lost almost another kilogram (2.2 pounds). I have no idea how it is happening, but I'm not complaining...that is for sure!
  • My mom and grandma are making their way to NYC at the beginning of October, so that should be a lot of fun!
  • Finally, I am struggling to make some sort of structured program for my two year old nephew to work with during the daytime and that can include Mia too...hint, know who you are and what I'm talking about.
P.S. Yes, generally I am a lazy blogger and wish I weren't...haha.