Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mia at 9 Months

Dear Mia,

You are now 9 months old, and we just had too many cute pictures to choose from this time.

This past month, you have learned so many new things. You are now saying *bob*mom*mama*dada* and all kinds of other sounds. You also love to raise your voice. This is especially true at bath time. You hear the bathwater running and you take off crawling towards the bathroom at full speed saying *ahh* as loud as you possibly can. You love your baths.

Not only did you start crawling this month, but you are also pulling yourself up on anything and everything. You have even tried to cruise along holding onto the couch...but you don't get too far before you find something that you would like to chew on instead.

At your last doctor's appointment, you weighed in at just over 20 pounds and are almost 28 inches long...moving up those percentiles quickly. 

You've even started to sign and respond to some sign language. You sign milk yourself, but you get very excited when we do *eat* or *water.* Yes, you love drinking water from a cup with a straw in it...very exciting I imagine.

Oh Miss Mia, your little, or I should say big, personality is coming out more and more....you are mischievous that is for sure....but you are also so obedient at the same time. When mommy says *no* you stop doing whatever it is you shouldn't be....like playing with the cans for recycling or heading for the computer cords...daddy on the other hand has yet to tell you no with any real meaning...hahaha....but we will see how long all of this lasts.

You make waking up each day such a joy. Daddy says that you make him a stronger person...so I hope you can feel all of the love we give you...but I'm sure you do....because you give us so much more in return.


Your mommy and daddy.


  1. She is growing up fast!! I love the photos you've chosen!! She is such a smart girl!! Wish I could be there to share the moments with you... Looking forward to more posts ;-)

  2. she is getting so big and it is fun to see all the pictures of her.
