Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Weekend Roundup

I really wanted to post this yesterday...but it feels like my weekends kind of spill over into Monday. I think that weekends could potentially be the busiest time for housewives. Everyone is home all at once so there is more to take care of...so Tuesdays during Mia's first nap are my first moments of peace...anyway I digress from the main purpose of this post...to share our fabulously average weekend.

My New Year's Resolutions are still going strong, so I wanted to find something we could all do together to start the month off right... so we planned a trip to the Children's Museum of Manhattan. Here is a picture of Mia making foam pieces fly around with her hand. She had  great time, but the baby area had a bunch of kids who I believe were nearing junior high running around...so we had to play bodyguard most of the time...not fun for us.

...and peeps....this place charges $11 per adult...so that you can sit in an overcrowded room with half broken exhibits....so I'm glad we checked it out on the free night... would have been so not worth the money....but Mia had fun, so it was worth the 20 minute walk there and we will probably take advantage of it again next month.

Anywho, Saturday we headed to swim class...here is me...not showered... with our little swim champ...haha

I actually got to chatting with a very nice mom...and I'm hoping this could potentially be a mommy friend....still testing the waters...but looks promising...fingers crossed.

Sunday we had to go shopping to buy clothes for baby girl...like the outfit? .... clearance items.... :)

On Monday, we went to story time where Mia actually played with the other babies now that she can officially crawl...it was fun...but sometimes I wish the nannies wouldn't hover over all of the kids.... can't they just play? Do we always have to make every experience a gateway to Harvard kind of deal... I highly doubt it beneficial to announce to a 10 month old that they are playing with a dairy cow...where we get milk and who eats grass and lives on a farm... and is a subspecies of blah blah and whose normal gestation time is...okay I may be exaggerating but come on people.... let's just let them play.

I then rushed home and started a yummy beef stew. I absolutely love this recipe. I kind of always regret putting it on the menu but then remember that I'm feeding my family a healthy, home cooked meal...and that makes me smile.... this was followed by the beginning of the week cleanup... after the weekend...the home needs a bit of extra TLC on Monday.

Anyways folks, that's what we were up to. Busy in a good way.

P.S. let's hope if and when we have another baby, it is a girl... cute clothes like these don't come cheap :(

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try the stew recipe..we just bought a quarter beef and this sounds great for such a cold winter day!
