Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Right Moments

Monday brought with it a whole lot of negative. I woke up, and I was completely and utterly exhausted. I was burnt out on work, on fundraising, on Mia's activities, on household management, and had even started to feel disappointed in several people. On top of all of that, my phone completely died on me. Black clouds people...seriously stormy weather. I even typed up a hugely long blog post on how tired I was.  

However, all of those tired thoughts and negativity completely disappeared when I sat Mia down for breakfast. I looked over and saw this...

...well not really. I actually took a picture of her eating a strawberry, but that is still on my camera...but she was so happy sitting there...eating the strawberries that we had provided for her. I also thought about Ten who was hard at work, and something clicked in my mind. I had to refocus on what my purpose is in this life, and it is definitely not to sit around and be in a bad mood. I was concentrating on all of the small, negative things. I wasn't focused on the right moments.

So, I went downstairs and got some pain au chocolat and sipped on some hot chocolate. I took a nice, long shower. I chatted with some friends. I played and loved on my little baby. I started to tackle that never ending list of things that need to be done. I also read some encouraging words.

I almost immediately started to feel better about my situation. I realized that I am here to provide a happy, safe, and comfortable life for my baby. I am here to be a partner to Ten. I am here to be a friend. I am here to give a helping hand or even simply a smile to someone who needs it. I am here to make everything that I touch better and never worse. That is my goal. Having the same problem? Maybe this video will help.

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