Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hina Matsuri 2013

Happy March everyone! I am super excited for the beginning of spring to arrive. Also, I can't wait for Easter eggs and our staycation...more on that one later.

First off though, today we celebrated Hina Matsuri. Hina Matsuri is a day to celebrate little girls...what a wonderful holiday if you ask me. There was a really great event held at the Japan Society today, but it sold out months in advance!! Better luck next year.

A few weeks ago, we received two of the dolls for the doll display from Ten's mom. She didn't send them all because there would just be way too many. I love the fact that these were her dolls when she was a little girl.

Dolls and lots of snacks and things from Ten's mom.
 Mia is really too little to eat any of the dishes for this day, so we had to improvise and decided to do mini cakes for breakfast. We used pancakes, whipped cream, and red berries.

Mia LOVED her breakfast! I mean it isn't all that often that she gets to eat super sweet things.

We also did some finger painting sheets with the dolls on it. Can you tell which one Ten did?

Next, we watched several versions of the Hina Matrsuri song along with a whole lot of other fun videos. If you are curious, here is a clip of the song....not the best quality...but beggars can't be choosers.

Today was all about celebrating our little girl. Here is to her having a long and healthy life and finding a wonderful husband!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! Her dolls are beautiful and that is so special that they were her grandmothers! Looks like a fun celebration! *alisha*
