Thursday, March 14, 2013

My First (kind of) Meeting with Missionaries

So...a few weeks ago I had some Mormon missionaries show up at my door. It's really strange how they arrived considering I live in a building with a doorman....but I won't go into the details of that shock as I have already told that my that's enough.

However, I told them that I was busy and couldn't chat. So, as any good missionary would do, they asked if they could come back. Our second meeting was also ill fated. Mia took a tumble, and we took a trip to the emergency room. All was fine though.

Anyway, so lo and behold they came to my apartment for a second time (not surprising)...and let me tell wasn't what I was expecting.

I thought that they would come and give me their "testimony," drop off a copy of the Book of Mormon and tell me to pray about, and then be on their way.

This is not what happened my friends. First of all, three girls came to visit this time. Two missionaries and a church member. We chatted a bit about our various backgrounds. They asked me if I believed in God. They asked me if I was familiar with Christianity. I told them that my mom thought they might be murderers trying to steal my baby, that their idea of heaven was kind of terrible sounding for women, and that I agreed with their concept of the Trinity. 

There was a little bit of awkwardness, and they have asked me to write down the questions that I have for them...and let me tell you...I do have quite a few! As they were getting ready to leave, they actually didn't give me a Book of Mormon (not going to lie...I was disappointed). Instead, they gave me a pamphlet about The Restoration of the Gospel which you can read here.

They also explained the proper way to pray to Heavenly Father and asked me again about my main reservations about the church. I kindly stated that I am especially concerned about raising a child in a religion that may scar her for life. do not want to make her mad!

So, they asked me to please read the information and asked if they could please come back again. I said sure. I seriously was feeling pretty uninspired by the whole meeting, so I was willing to give them another shot.

Little did I know (until thanks to Mr. Google), that I am actually taking part in the missionary lessons now!! How did that happen?! You are good Mormons...very good.

Before I end this post, let me sum up the highlights:

  • I told them I admire their respect for families.
  • I also let them know about all of the great Mormons that we know (we are not Mormon hostiles).
  • I said that I couldn't understand why God would separate a family if one was Mormon and one wasn't. Their reply was something like....well Heavenly Father wants us to be we will have a chance to become followers even in the after life.
  • I asked about their prophet and just how much they believe what he he infallible like our dear Pope? Their response was that he is just a man. He makes mistakes.
  • They asked if I would like to go to church...which I politely declined for the moment.
That is the rundown....nothing ground breaking or I said...pretty uninspiring....just a lot of polite conversation between strangers...hopefully the next round will make me see the light.

Do we look like a Mormon family to you?


  1. Hey there! I first found your blog a while ago but really didn't start reading it until recently. First comment here. :)
    I felt compelled to comment because this post just made me chuckle. The university I went to was (in)famous for the Mormon missionaries floating around, and I've had to play a few games of "Dodge the Missionary" myself in the past.
    I was actually raised Mormon (have been inactive for about a decade though), and my mom is still an active member. There are a lot of teachings that I just didn't agree with, but I did really love the sense of community I got from being a member. A lot of really nice people.
    Anyway, thanks for the story of your encounter! :D

  2. If Mia is anything like her adorable cousin Seth, then no, you don't want to make her mad. hahaha

  3. Thanks for commenting! Yeah I think the Mormon Church has a lot of great parts....but also a bit too much secrecy and controversial doctrine....we will see where all this leads. I will def check out your blog BTW.
