Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I haven't posted a list of randomness in a while, so I thought it was about time.

  • We have a new Pope! Now, I'm not Catholic, but I do get really excited when a new Pope is elected...I'm not talking a little excited...I mean...I'm practically giddy when a new Pope is chosen. I have no clue why, but it makes me happy...haha.
  • The weather has been hit and miss recently, but today I decided that winter is over. Yes, that is right, I just decided that on my own. I hung up my spring decorations and busted out a flowery table cloth...I have officially moved on from winter.
  • When I opened the box of balls for Mia's ball pit, I saw that the company also included a free felt board. It is a whole town with cars, people, etc....seriously made my day....almost as much as seeing we have a new Pope.
  • Here are some of my favorite blogs recently: tiny buddha, Life of an American mommy living in Japan, and Tales of the Trees. The blogs I like to read rotate pretty regularly, but these ones always keep me interested.
  • I'm on a reading break. I haven't had the time to really get into a book recently, so I've returned them all to the library. I'm hoping something will get me interested soon.
  • One of my favorite things to do is to add things to my Instant Queue on Netflix. I rarely get to watch almost never...but seeing all of my options makes me happy.
  • I recently saw a list online of what your child should know before entering kindergarten, and my how things have changed. I mean they should basically know how to read, count, and everything else. I think it is kind of much, but good to know.
  • Pinterest is started to pique my interest again. I was into it for like a whole month, and I haven't really touched it since...but slowly I'm finding it useful again. May have to take some time to go through my boards and pin things that are truly good ideas and things I will try.
  • Mia's birthday is in the middle of April which means that we won't have another gift giving holiday for the next five months!! Actually, there aren't any big holidays in the summer months. I'm looking forward to a break!

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