Friday, May 3, 2013

First World Problems

My first world problems are bringing me down today folks. They are just gnawing at me...

I should definitely preface this though....not all things are going badly...and like I said...these are first world problems....

Let's begin....

I need to get my teeth cleaned. I haven't had it done since....hmm...about a year and a half ago...yeah, I made an appointment yesterday. The soonest that they can get me in is the middle of July!! JULY! Words cannot explain the irritation I

Also, I was thinking what kind of fun class we can do with Mia this summer....and then I learned about one of the most horrid things I have ever heard of.... pre-pre-school. I am not even kidding you. You go to pre-pre-school twice or three times a week and do things like art, music, gym, etc for an hour and a half a day. It all sounds like good fun....except this is Manhattan...pre-pre-school means 1) ridiculously priced, 2) the biggest biotch moms you ever did meet 3) and competition, competition, competition....It makes me want to puke a little. I do want to join because it sounds like fun....but the reality is probably dark...very, very dark. a letter today...Would you like to renew your lease for September? .... would you like to renew your lease while paying more in rent? Our rent is terrible....I mean it makes me vomit in my mouth...and then swallow it...type of terrible. This additional cost...just makes me want to hide in a hole. I will admit I have started to look at other places online I seriously have no idea what we will do. Maybe if I turn off my internet and only use electricity for...hmmm...nothing...we will be able to afford to live in this city.

Moving on....Ten cut his finger on a knife at work...slicing a bagel. Now, we are bombarded with worker's compensation documents...I mean seriously? Is this necessary? I even called the little number to ask if this was necessary....and after an hour and a half...I got to talk to NO answer is...I have no idea.

A while ago Mia cut her lip open from a tumble off the bed. We went to the ER. They gave her a Popsicle and sent us on our way....We got a bill for over ONE THOUSAND dollars...yeah that's right....and we have insurance. This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever encountered....ever. So, no one in this house is allowed to get ever...because it could bankrupt us...

So, yeah these are the things that are just on the top of my head that are driving me nuts right now... therapeutic sharing them with the world....or my tiny band of friends who read this thing.

Ms. Keys and Mr. completely lied to me when you said:

"New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothin' you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you"

Lies...all lies.

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