Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kodomo No Hi and the Hippo Fair

I hope everyone had a great Cinco de Mayo. I actually thought it would be really fun to celebrate it. When I was a kid, it just wasn't that popular of a holiday. However, I quickly realized that it was the same day as Kodomo No Hi or Children's Day in Japan....so, we stuck with the Japanese celebration instead.

Let's see...on Friday Mia had her friend Soma over for a play date. Those two kids are crazy when they get together, and my apartment literally looked like a pack of wild boars had ran through it....but so much fun....not to mention, Soma's mom brought us some yokan from Toraya...I am so excited to eat them...yum!

Snacks for the play date
I couldn't snap a single picture of them playing together because they were running around like maniacs. When Ten came home, he realized there would be no time for cooking, so we went to Texas Rotisserie instead. This is kind of our regular place. It's right up the road and the prices aren't too crazy for what you get.

Broasted Chicken, Garlic Potatoes, Cucumber and Tomato Salad, Mac and Cheese, Creamed Spinach, and Corn Bread.... like I said a lot of food.

On Saturday, we went to swim lessons as usual and then after went to the library and TJ Maxx. This is kind of our regular Saturday routine. We also finished watching Wreck It Ralph...super cute movie.

Finally, on Sunday we celebrated Children's Day with a trip to the Children's Festival at Hippo Park...perfect timing. Next year I may make a special dinner or something, but this year we kept it simple.

We first took a stroll through the petting zoo.

Mia absolutely loved all of the animals, and we spent quite a while there....quite pricey though...$5 for the tiny petting zoo!! Yikes.

We also let her get in on some of the game action, and she absolutely loved it.

Catching ducks with nets (or just splashing in the water).
Fishing...and she actually caught one! This was by far her favorite game.

Posing as a hippo

After more games, we played with all of the animal statues in the park. We also grabbed some food from the food table. I had a hot dog, and Ten had a cheeseburger. They were pretty tasty since they were from Zabars. I actually had a picture of them, but Blogger isn't cooperating.

Finally, we had a few more tickets left, so we decided to make a flower pot.

Finished product with the little violet.

With all of the prizes and food and games....we had a really nice time. Not to mention, Mia slept for hours afterwards!

Finally, I will leave you with a picture of our koi flags that I made. Children's Day isn't complete without them. These were a simple thing made of felt that I whipped up for the occasion. Very cute if you ask me.

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