Monday, August 26, 2013


Here is the usual "what we did this weekend post." It doesn't have pictures because I'm not exactly sure where my camera is. I hope I just didn't look hard enough for it rather than Mia hiding it....because let me tell you....she is the best hider of things I know.

Anyway, here we go.

Friday: I got the following email: "You may have Hepatitis A." Okay, so not exactly....but it was along those lines. Our grocery store had an outbreak of it, and we were urged to go get a vaccine. Ten decided to head down to where they were giving out the vaccine on his own...and he had to wait over an hour in a line with a whole lot of angry people. He said it was good times, and we got to see Ten on the news. I'm so proud that my husband had his 15 minutes of fame because of  a Hep A scare....ahhh New York.

Saturday: We started off with an early morning at the park followed by "brunch" at Big Daddy's with another lovely family. I'm officially calling it breakfast though because it was 9:00 a.m.! New Yorkers seem to be obsessed with calling everything brunch on the weekends when they eat out during daylight hours.  Anyway, we ordered pancakes for $14. They were just pancakes....nothing with it. Sooo overpriced, but they were super good. 

After brunchfast, we spent the rest of the day napping and playing. Also, Ten brought home some Japanese food for dinner....but it didn't taste fresh at all. Kind of disappointed Sunrise Mart :(

Sunday: We did a whole lot of nothing. We went to the park. We did swim class....where Mia is doing awesome but still hates floating on her back. Ten bought us Snickers ice cream....and for dinner we had falafels in pitas with sweet potato fries. Ten was like....what is with this vegetarian stuff? I was tastes good.....and he was like....hmmm, it does. Exciting conversation, I know.

In other weekend news, I found out that I need should change my address on my drivers license for our green card interview. I'm sorry dear lawyer, but I don't have the time to take a five hour safety course, read the manual/take the written exam, and then wait hours at the DMV in general. We don't use babysitters, so no way Mia is going to want to sit through all of that! Keep your fingers crossed that our interview goes well!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

September Looks Promising

This is what I did before Mia's music class today.

Yep, I made a list. These are all of the things that I want to do in September. These are not goals or projects....just things that I would like to take the time to do for myself. Selfish I know. 

What are the little things that you want to work into your month that are simply for you?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fire Island

Last weekend we decided that we wanted to take Mia to the beach. I was all like....hey, let's go to Coney costs like $5 round trip and the sand castle competition is going on. Ten was all like....hey, it's Coney Island....I don't want to watch trashy people in thongs make out on the beach. Fair enough.

Luckily, we have a third person in the house that makes good decisions for us....

Mia was like...hey, I have an idea. I'm on the phone with someone that says we can stay at their beach house on Fire Island...why don't we do that?

So, we packed up our beach gear and food and headed over to Fire Island. We took the subway to Penn Station...and then we took the Long Island Railroad to Babylon...and then we changed trains to Bay Shore...and then there was a shuttle bus ride...and finally a ferry ride. Yes, it wasn't that easy to get too.
Mia on the first leg of the trip eating her baby jerky (otherwise known as strips of rotisserie chicken).

Fire Island was great. We slept a lot. We ate a lot of food. We played in the sand. We swam....well Ten swam. Mia was terrified of the ocean at first, and I got in for about 5 minutes before I realized that I didn't like salt water and sand and waves all attacking me at the same time.
We had the beach almost completely to ourselves.

Mia was wondering why we were forcing her to walk in all of this sand...was it a form of cruel exercise? She wanted to be carried...A LOT.

Mia: "Guys why aren't we checking out that cool moon up there instead of this silly camera?"

"Uh-oh" Every time the waves came crashing in.

We also decided to try to hunt for some of our food....but lacked the appropriate weaponry. Darn.
The next morning we checked out the town a little bit before going back to the beach to say our goodbyes.
"I want to fly this thing home, and then keep it in our living room to hang out in."

Mia chewing on a leaf stem...that she fashioned herself....proud of our little Huckleberry. 

Heading back to the house to pack our bags and then make the 3 hour trip home. My pictures did not do this place justice at all. It was the cutest little beach town. Either way it was nice to be able to get away from the city before summer ends.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Catch Up

This is just a quick note to say that we are still here. The weather has cooled off drastically since we got back to the city from our Disney trip. I think we can officially say goodbye to summer. Did we fully take advantage of our summer? I'm not sure. I think we could have planned more things to do on the weekends. We have been busy though with just daily life, so I hope that we can do a little bit better in the fall. We may possibly try to make it out to the beach this weekend, but I think its going to be too cool. The temp is likely to be in the high 70s for most of the day, so we may have to rethink that plan and maybe spend a nice day picnicking. We haven't done much of that this summer either.

So, what else has been going on? Ten has been super busy working on a project (not work related) which keeps him up until the wee hours of the morning. We also received our letter for our green card know...the one to make sure we aren't lying or anything like that. We were shocked to see that the interview was at 7:30 in the morning! I wonder how our lawyer will also feel about getting up at that time.

We also have Mia's schedule set for September, and it is busier than I would like it to be. We have cut out one class, but she still has something going on nearly every single day! There are just too many options here, and it's hard to just sit at home with so much going on.

Anyway, hopefully I will bust out my camera soon to capture a bit more of our daily life. I have been a big slacker...I know.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Random thoughts here...

  • I went to bed last night very frustrated....because of the New York Public Library. They sent me an email saying that I had a book that was OVERDUE. If you know me, then you know that that is not true. This wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't handed me a copy machine card rather than my library card the last time that I went there...and then claimed that I had "lost" my it would be waiting for me in the lost and found. They called me and told me this two days later...when I'm sure the librarian immediately noticed her mistake, but she was just too lazy/indifferent to do anything about it.
  • Moving on...I was not looking forward to the huge amount (like 4) of phone calls that I had to make today. In the end I called the dentist (to make an appointment for November!), the doctor, the library (got that straightened out), and Mia's swim school (very rude), and the candlestick maker (not really) and got everything all worked out.
  • This week and for the next two weeks, we are having what I like to call "rush week." Basically, I am cutting back on the play dates that we have and going for quality rather than quantity. So, this week Mia has a total of 3 play dates followed by 3 more next week...and then we are making cuts. We are going to narrow it down to maybe 3 moms and babies to hang with regularly. We are just getting too bogged down with all of the scheduled play dates...we need time to breathe. 
  • Have you tried MASH? I absolutely love it. I am drinking Ripe Mango/ Blood Orange today, and it is so good. I have one more in the fridge, but I will try to save it for tomorrow.
  • Mia is obsessed with chasing and being chased. She loves it and finds it to be hilarious. At 15 months old, a lot of other babies aren't quite interested in playing with other kids yet. So, Mia's solution has been to run up to them and start pushing them with all of her might to make them run....I think some parents think she is a little bully, but really she is just trying to involve them in her games.
  • I have stumbled across Dance Moms. Yes, I am behind...I know it...but does anyone else find these people to be...just flat out idiotic. I mean jeez. Also, how is this 300 + pound woman teaching dance. I am not saying anything against the big boned...I just honestly, truly, really don't understand how she does it.
  • Finally, I am in a black whole of organization. I am at a point where I am indifferent to Mia losing bits of toys and games here and there. I know that it exists somewhere in the apartment, and I know that I am going to have to do a huge organization/ cleaning of this place has been on my mind for a few months I'm just being really lax until I get started on it.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Disney 2013

We are back from our 8 day vacation to Disney, and it only took me a day and a half to unpack everything and get our apartment back in order! Yay me!

Anyway, Disney was an experience to say the least. I have been to Disney World twice before and Tokyo Disney countless times, but I had never done the whole eat, breath, and sleep Disney. Here is a little recap of our trip. We were terrible at taking pictures. At some point, you have to put the camera down and enjoy actual life, so that is what we tried to do on this trip.

The days before our trip, we did a lot of eating out so we didn't have to buy more food that could go to waste. One night, we went to Whole Foods and the pics of Mia were I am deciding to share them.

Yes, I agree that that was very random...Now, on to Disney. We stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, and it was a great place to be. A little far from the other parks, but Mia loved waking up to the animals every day. She would immediately sit up in bed and point at the sliding doors to go see what was outside. Enjoy the pics and captions. We just did way too much to share without turning this into a Disney blog.

I think there were about four zebra roaming around and the same amount of giraffe. Also, a few other animals that I couldn't name for the life of me. BTW Disney gave us a free upgrade on our room so that we could have a Savannah view...and we are so happy that they did.

Us at our hotel buffet...I think everyone gained a bit of weight from this trip...Mia included...look at her go to town on the kids buffet.
We spent a lot of time at the Animal Kingdom. The other parks were absolutely great, but Mia loves her animals and it was closest.

Riding on a safari

Checking out all of the fish. This may have been her favorite part of the trip (excluding Festival of the Lion King -- she was so excited during the show I thought she was going to crawl up on the stage and start dancing).
We also made sure to book a lot of character dining so that we could meet the different characters without having to wait in long lines.

Mia absolutely loved all of the tears here.

Mia and me at DinoLand...where we rode the dinosaur version of Dumbo

Ten and Mia at Epcot after the Nemo ride.

Good morning animals.

At the sci-fi drive in for lunch.

Watching Disney Junior Live at Hollywood Studios.

...and what every night looked like...lots of good sleep

Not a lot of pictures...but a snippet of our trip. Now, I will say that we had a really nice time at Disney. I mean who doesn't like vacation in general, but we just aren't the type of family to take a week off and go every year. Once in a while is fine, but there is so much more that we would like Mia to see and do....that goes for all of us for that matter. There is so much more to experience outside of the Disney resort, but like I said we did have a good time.